Enabling Celerra SMI-S Provider

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To monitor EMC Celerra storage systems, the solution leverages the Celerra SMI-S Provider. This SMI-S provider is installed by default when the base NAS software is installed in the directory /celerra/wbem on the Control Station.

To enable the Celerra SMI-S Provider on the Control Station

1.Uncomment the following lines in the nas_mcd.cfg file:

# daemon  "cim server"

#        executable      "/celerra/wbem/bin/start_cim_server"

#        optional        no

#        autorestart     yes

#        cmdline         "/celerra/wbem"

# daemon "cim conf"

#         executable      "/nas/sbin/dirsync"

#         optional        no

#         autorestart     yes

#         cmdline         "-all /celerra/wbem/conf/ /nas/site/ecom_config  360"

# daemon "SMISPlugin Log Trimmer"

#        executable      "/nas/sbin/log_trimmer"

#        optional        no

#        autorestart     yes

#        ioaccess        no

#        cmdline         "-n /nas/log/smis/SMISPlugin.log 1000 l 2 h t 4 y "

# daemon "SMIS securitylog.txt Log Trimmer"

#        executable      "/nas/sbin/log_trimmer"

#        optional        no

#        autorestart     yes

#        ioaccess        no

#        cmdline         "-n /nas/log/smis/securitylog.txt 1000 l 2 h t 4 y "

# daemon "SMIS HTTP_trace.log Log Trimmer"

#        executable      "/nas/sbin/log_trimmer"

#        optional        no

#        autorestart     yes

#        ioaccess        no

#        cmdline         "-n /nas/log/smis/HTTP_trace.log 1000 l 2 h t 4 y "

# daemon "SMIS cimomlog.txt Log Trimmer"

#        executable      "/nas/sbin/log_trimmer"

#        optional        no

#        autorestart     yes

#        ioaccess        no

#        cmdline         "-n /nas/log/smis/cimomlog.txt 1000 l 2 h t 4 y " 


2.Restart the NAS services:

      /etc/rc.d/init.d/nas stop

      /etc/rc.d/init.d/nas start


3.Start the CIM Server:

Usage: start_cim_server <ecom-install-dir>

<ecom-install-dir> : /celerra/wbem

[root@emc-vnx  ~]# /celerra/wbem/bin/start_cim_server /celerra/wbem