Viewing the Overall Activity of a Disk Array

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In order to visualize the activity of a disk array, use the ReadByteRate and WriteByteRate parameters of the SEN_EMC_ARRAY class. These parameters represent the overall traffic in megabytes per second for each monitored array, or more precisely, each EMC disk array that is exposed through the EMC SMI-S Provider (see the Installation Guide for more information about the EMC SMI-S Provider).
Viewing a disk array activity

1.In the console, double-click the ReadByteRate parameter of the array you are interested in. A graph is automatically displayed in the graph pane.
2.Then drag and drop the WriteByteRate parameter in the graph window


Overall Activity of a Disk Array -ReadByteRate


The overall activity can also be reported in GB per hour or per day (instead of MB/sec) so SAN administrators can visualize how much data has been written to or read off the disk array each hour of the day or each day of the week (see the Reporting the total traffic on an hourly or daily basis section for more information on this subject).