Uninstalling Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL

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Uninstalling Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL is an automated process managed by a wizard. The wizard goes through the necessary steps to remove Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL and all files associated with it. You are simply prompt for the product's folder location and the product/components to uninstall.

To uninstall Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL

1.Locate the Uninstall folder under the BMC products directory (typically under C:\Program Files\BMC Software, or /opt/bmc):
On Windows systems, launch uninstall.exe
On UNIX, launch uninstall.sh


Un-install Wizard — Welcome Step

2.Specify the BMC Software products folder. See the BMC Software documentation for more information about the BMC Software products folder.


Un-install Wizard — Specifying folder

3.To uninstall the KM, select Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL.


Un-install Wizard — Selecting Products and Components Directory

4.Click Start Uninstall.


Un-install Wizard — Reviewing Selected Products & components and start uninstalling

5.A page displays the list of products/components processed and the percentage of completion. Click Next to continue.


Un-install Wizard — Status

6.A page displaying SUCCESS indicates that Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL is now uninstalled.


Un-install Wizard — Uninstall Results


See Also

Installing Hitachi Disk Arrays KM for PATROL