List of alert actions to be executed by IBM DS3000, DS4000, DS5000 Series KM for PATROL upon a failure.
Default: none.
Specifies when the debug mode will be disabled.
Format required: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
When set to '1', enables the debug mode of the KM.
Default: Not set
List of default options to be executed by IBM DS3000, DS4000, DS5000 Series KM for PATROL on reinitialization. The default values are: 0=unchecked; 1=checked
• | resetThresholdManagementMode |
• | resetRemovedPausedObjectList |
Insert a colon “;” between the variable and its value: “resetThresholds;1”; and if you enter multiple variables, they need to be separated by a carriage return.
Example: “resetThresholds;1” will display the remove thresholds option selected by default in the Reinitialize KM wizard.
When set to 1, deactivates logical drives monitoring. When the logical drives monitoring is disabled, discovery and collect requests and operations are no longer performed.
• | 1 = Yes | True (disabled) |
Default is empty which is considered 'no' or zero.
When set to ‘1’, deactivates the workaround in the KM for a bug in the PslExecute() PSL function.
If the KM detects that the version of the PATROL Agent is affected by the PslExecute() bug, it uses an alternate technique to create asynchronous threads with the event_trigger() function and the RemPsl standard event. The disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround variable disables this workaround.
Default: 0 = activated
When the KM is used with BMC ProactiveNet, all the KM configuration menus are disabled in the PATROL Consoles. To enable them, set the forceClassicConfigMode variable to 1.
Default: 0 = disabled
n times values for numeric parameters and discrete parameters. The list is separated by semi-colons.
Default: 1;1 (Trigger an alert on all parameters as soon as the thresholds are reached)
Path to the SMcli utility used by the KM to send queries.
Lists the paused objects.
How much internal information should be sent as PATROL events.
• | When set to ‘all’, all internal KM messages (problems and informational messages). |
• | When set to ‘problems’, only errors and problems. |
• | When set to ‘none’, no internal message at all. |
• | This doesn’t affect the reporting of actual hardware problems. |
Default: all
Version of the product. This variable is used to perform migrations when upgrading.
Interval in seconds at which the KM polls the managed devices to collect updated data for all the available parameters.
List of instances that have been removed from the monitoring environment through the Remove KM Command.
Encrypted password used to execute the SMCli command.
Username used to execute the SMCli command.
How much internal information should be displayed in the System Output Window in the PATROL Console.
• | When set to ‘all’, all internal KM messages (problems and informational messages). |
• | When set to ‘problems’, only errors and problems. |
• | When set to ‘none’, no internal message at all. |
This doesn’t affect the reporting of actual hardware problems.
Default: All
Specifies how the KM should manage the alert thresholds on parameters. Please read carefully the Thresholds, Alerts and Notifications chapter for more information on this topic.
Possible values:
• | ‘as’ (through PATROL for Event Management) |
• | ‘tuning’ (through the standard "Override parameter" mechanism) |
• | ‘none’ (No threshold is set by the KM) |
Default: empty. The KM will determine the appropriate mode to use :
• | ‘as’ if the Event Management KM is preloaded on the PATROL Agent |
‘tuning’ otherwise.
When set to 1, the KM will inform you of any internal problems or of any special operations it may perform.
Default value: 0 = deactivated
Specifies the action to be performed when the product is unable to interpret a status value.
Format: <alarm type>;<internal issue notification>.
Possible alarm type values:
Default value: None.