Disabling /Enabling Volumes Monitoring

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Discovering and collecting volumes metrics are resource-intensive actions that can create extra workload on the PATROL Agent and the targeted system. To limit the number of instances created and therefore reduce the system resource consumption, administrators can disable the monitoring of all the volumes of a system.

To disable volumes monitoring

1.Right-click the KM main icon > KM Settings > Disable Volumes Monitoring...


Disabling Volumes Monitoring

2.Select Disable Volumes Monitoring and click OK.

Discovery and collect requests and operations are no longer performed. Volumes no longer appear in the PATROL Console.

warningBecause this setting applies to the entire KM, the parameters SubscribedCapacity and SubscribedCapacityPercentage of the SEN_I68_EXTENTPOOL application class will be missing.

To resume volumes monitoring

1.Right-click the KM main icon > KM Settings > Disable Volumes Monitoring...


Disabling Volumes Monitoring

2.Uncheck the Disable Volumes Monitoring option

3.Click OK.