Extracting the Setup Files

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Like most Knowledge Modules for PATROL, you need to install NetApp Filers KM for PATROL on the following components of your PATROL architecture:

Every managed system with a PATROL Agent
Every PATROL Console (Classic)
The Console Server
PATROL Central – Web Edition

On Windows

The packages for Windows are to be extracted in the consecutive order:

1.First, unzip the BMC Installation Utility: ins_Windows_<version>.zip
2.Next, unzip the NetApp Filers KM for PATROL package in the same folder: netapp-<version>-thorium.zip
3.Then, unzip the senjre_<version>_WINDOWS.zip package if you need to install the latest Java Runtime Environment program

The content of the packages merges into a subfolder named bmc_products.

noteWindows may ask for your confirmation to overwrite files and folders. This is normal behavior and you can accept all overwrite confirmation requests.

On UNIX/Linux

The packages for UNIX/Linux are to be extracted with the tar utility:

1.First, untar the BMC Installation Utility: tar xvf ins_ALL_<version>.tar
2.Next, untar the NetApp Filers KM for PATROL package named: netapp-<version>-thorium.tar.

The files are extracted into a sub-directory named bmc_products.

See Also

Installing NetApp Filers KM for PATROL


Getting the BMC Software Installation Utility