Reporting Disk Space Consumption

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Making sure that a filer has enough remaining disk space available is critical for several reasons:

SAN administrators want to make sure to be able to provision disk space for new servers and users when requested, as quickly as possible.
The filer itself may need additional disk space for specific features to work properly, like automatic snapshots, mirroring, etc.
Users and applications actively using a share on the filer will surely be severely impacted by the fatal "File system is full" error message

The disk space used is permanently monitored for each aggregate and each volume with the SEN_NAP_7|C_AGGREGATE, SEN_NAP_7|C_VOLUME and SEN_NAP_C_NODE_ROOTVOLUME application classes.

Reporting Disk Space Consumption on a Volume and an Aggregate

1.Create a PATROL Query in the PATROL Console to show the value of the AvailableCapacityPercentage parameters of the SEN_NAP_7|C_AGGREGATE and SEN_NAP_7|C_VOLUME application classes:
Open PATROL Central Operator Taskpad.
In the Action menu of the PATROL console, click New Query.
2.In the General Tab:
Enter the Query Name (example: NetApp - Space Disk Consumption)
Enter the Query Description (optional)
In the Query Results Filter section, select Show Selected Objects and check the Parameters box
In the Additional Filtering section, select the Enable Application Class level filtering and the Enable Parameter level filtering options


PATROL Query – General Tab

5.Open the Application Class tab. In the Pattern Matching section, select Like and type:
SEN_NAP_7_AGGREGATE or SEN_NAP_7_VOLUME if you are in 7-Mode.


3.Open the Parameter tab and, in the Pattern Matching section, select Like and type AvailableCapacityPercentage.


PATROL Query – Parameter Tab

4.Click OK to display the results of the query.


PATROL Query – Query Result