Searching WWN/IQN...

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Components are uniquely identified on the SAN by a WWN or by an iSCSI name. Because WWN are a series of letters and digits and IQN can be up to 255 characters long, retrieving a device or port corresponding to a WWN or IQN found in error log or any other administration GUI is a nightmare for SAN administrators. The Search WWN/IQN feature has been designed to easily find any component based on its complete or partial World Wide Name or IQN.

1.In the console, click the Disk Array icon > KM Commands > Search WWN/IQN...
2.Select a search option, Contains, Starts with, or Ends with.
3.Type the value to search for.


Search WWN/IQN Setting Panel

4.Click Search to display the search results


Search WWN/IQN Results

5.The search results panel lists the WWN/IQN corresponding to the search options you have defined.