Configuration Variables

This section describes the configuration variables you can use in:

  • TrueSight.


This section lists the configuration variables used by HP 3PAR KM for PATROL. Configuration variables are stored in the PATROL Agent configuration and can be managed through:

  • PATROL Configuration Manager (PCM)
  • wpconfig (Windows)
  • xpconfig (UNIX/Linux)

The following tables list the configuration variables used by the KM, i.e that apply to all of the monitored hosts.

These following configuration variables are stored under /SENTRY/SEN_HP3P in the PATROL Agent’s configuration.

Variables Default Value Description
automaticReinitialization 0 = disabled If set to 1, triggers a re-initialization of the KM, as if the “Reinitialize KM” KM Command had been invoked. The discovery checks this variable every minute and deletes it before performing the re-initialization.
AlertActions n/a List of alert actions to be executed by HP 3PAR KM for PATROL upon a problem with the managed HP 3PAR system.
collectionHubAdditionalArgs n/a To add arguments to the command line when launching the Java Collection Hub via the Java settings KM Command. For example, enter Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket address=4711 server=y suspend=n to launch the KM in debug on a specific port).
collectionHubHeapSizeMax 512 Maximum heap size in megabytes allocated to the Java Collection Hub.
collectionHubHeapSizeMin 128 Minimum heap size in megabytes allocated to Java Collection Hub.
collectionHubOverrideJavaCommandLine None Command line used by the KM to launch the Java Collection Hub. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
debugEndTime None Specifies when the debug mode will be disabled. Format required: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
debugMode 0 = disabled When set to ‘1’, enables the debug mode of the KM. Default: Not set.
defaultReinitializationOptions None List of default options to be executed by HP 3PAR KM for PATROL on reinitialization (resetThresholds, resetThresholdManagementMode, resetAlertActions, resetOtherAlertSettings, resetDebugMode, resetRemovedPausedObjectList, resetReport,resetSecuritySettings, resetJavaSettings). Insert a colon “;” between the variable and its value: “resetThresholds;1”; and if you enter multiple variables, they need to be separated by a carriage return. Example: “resetThresholds;1” will display the remove thresholds option selected by default in the Reinitialize KM wizard.
disableJavaInformationMessage 0 = activated When set to “1”, deactivates the pop-up information message displayed when the Java settings are modified.
disableJRECheck 0 = JRE validation tests enabled When set to 1, disable the validation tests of the JRE used by the KM to run Java code. This can be used to force the KM to use a non-Sun or non-Oracle JRE.
disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround 0 = activated When set to “1”, deactivates the workaround in the KM for a bug in the PslExecute() PSL function. If the KM detects that the version of the PATROL Agent is affected by the PslExecute() bug, it uses an alternate technique to create asynchronous threads with the event_trigger() function and the RemPsl standard event. The disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround variable disables this workaround.
exportScheduling None Time when the activity and/or Virtual Volumes Mapping Table reports will be generated. Format required: HH:MM:SS
forceClassicConfigMode 0 = disabled When the KM is used with BMC TrueSight Operations Management, all the KM configuration menus are disabled in the PATROL Consoles. To enable them, set the forceClassicConfigMode variable to 1.
javaPassword None Password associated to the javaUsername variable.
javaPath None Path to the folder containing the Java executable used by the Collection Hub.
javaUsername None Username used to launch the Java Collection Hub.
pausedObjectList n/a List of the PATROL object path of the paused objects. (i.e. for which no collection will be performed).
productVersion Automatically set by the KM during its initialization Identifies the current version of the KM in the configuration. Do not alter this value.
psCommand n/a Command used on UNIX/Linux systems to retrieve the list of the currently running processes. Please note that this command is used for debug purpose.
removedObjectList n/a List of instances that have been removed from the monitoring environment through the Remove KM Command.
retryDiscoveryAfterNTimes 5 Specifies the maximum number of retries when the discovery fails.
scheduledReports n/a List of reports that will be automatically generated. Possible values: ACTIVITY to generate storage systems, nodes, physical disks, ports and volumes activity reports; VIRTUAL_VOLUMES_MAPPING_TABLE to list mapped and unmapped virtual volumes. Values must be delimited by carriage returns.
sowMessages All How much internal information should be displayed in the System Output Window in the PATROL Console. Set to All to display all internal messages (problems and informational messages), problems to only display errors or problems, none to display no internal message at all. Please note that this configuration does not affect the reporting of actual storage problems.
startupDelay 0 second To specify the number of seconds that HP 3PAR KM for PATROL will wait before starting its discovery.
ThresholdsManagementMode Retrieved from the KM configuration Specifies how the KM should manage the alert thresholds on parameters. Please read carefully the Managing Thresholds section for more information on this topic. Possible values: empty (automatic detection of the suitable threshold management); as (through PATROL for Event Management); tuning (through the standard “Override parameter” mechanism); none (No threshold is set by the KM)
unknownStatusManagement 1 = Warning Status value to map when the unknown status is received (0: Set the Status parameter to OK, 1: Trigger a WARNING (default), 2: Trigger an Alarm)

The following table lists the configuration variables that are specific to each configured HP 3PAR system:

Variable Default Value Description
collectOperationTimeout 6000 minutes To customize the timeout of the collect process. When the timeout is reached, the CollectionStatus parameter of the related SEN_HP3P_STORAGESYSTEM application class is set to 2 (Failure) and triggers an alert.
disableVolumeMonitoring 0 = Volume Monitoring enabled When set to 1, deactivates volumes monitoring. When the volumes monitoring is disabled, discovery and collect requests and operations are no longer performed.
discoveryOperationTimeout 6000 minutes To customize the timeout of the discovery process. When the timeout is reached, the collectionStatus parameter of the SEN_HP3P_MAIN application class is set to 2 (Failure) and triggers an alert.
excludeVolumes None Filter to exclude all volumes whose names match the specified regular expression.
hostname None Hostname of the HP 3PAR embedded SMI-S provider.
includeVolumes None Filter to keep only volumes whose names match the specified regular expression.
password None Password used to perform queries.
port 5989 Port used to perform queries.
protocol HTTPS Protocol used to perform queries. By default HTTPS.
userName None Username used to perform queries.

For TrueSight

Variable Default Value Description
automaticReinitialization 0 = disabled If set to 1, triggers a re-initialization of the KM. The discovery checks this variable every minute and deletes it before performing the re-initialization.
collectionHubAdditionalArgs n/a To add arguments to the command line when launching the Java Collection Hub. For example, enter Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket address=4711 server=y suspend=n to launch the KM in debug on a specific port.
collectionHubHeapSizeMax 1024 Maximum heap size in megabytes allocated to the Java Collection Hub.
collectionHubHeapSizeMin 512 Minimum heap size in megabytes allocated to Java Collection Hub.
collectionHubOverrideJavaCommandLine None Command line used by the KM to launch the Java Collection Hub. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
defaultReinitializationOptions None List of default options to be executed by HP 3PAR KM for PATROL on reinitialization (resetThresholds, resetThresholdManagementMode, resetAlertActions, resetOtherAlertSettings, resetDebugMode, resetRemovedPausedObjectList, resetReport,resetSecuritySettings, resetJavaSettings). Insert a colon “;” between the variable and its value: “resetThresholds;1”; and if you enter multiple variables, they need to be separated by a carriage return. Example: “resetThresholds;1” will display the remove thresholds option selected by default in the Reinitialize KM wizard.
disableJRECheck 0 = JRE validation tests enabled When set to 1, disable the validation tests of the JRE used by the KM to run Java code. This can be used to force the KM to use a non-Sun or non-Oracle JRE.
disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround 0 = activated When set to “1”, deactivates the workaround in the KM for a bug in the PslExecute() PSL function. If the KM detects that the version of the PATROL Agent is affected by the PslExecute() bug, it uses an alternate technique to create asynchronous threads with the event_trigger() function and the RemPsl standard event. The disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround variable disables this workaround.
exportScheduling None Time when the activity and/or Virtual Volumes Mapping Table reports will be generated. Format required: HH:MM:SS
forceClassicConfigMode 0 = disabled When the KM is used with BMC TrueSight Operations Management, all the KM configuration menus are disabled in the PATROL Consoles. To enable them, set the forceClassicConfigMode variable to 1.
javaPassword None Password associated to the javaUsername variable.
javaPath None Path to the folder containing the Java executable used by the Collection Hub.
javaUsername None Username used to launch the Java Collection Hub.
pausedObjectList n/a List of the PATROL object path of the paused objects. (i.e. for which no collection will be performed).
psCommand n/a Command used on UNIX/Linux systems to retrieve the list of the currently running processes. Please note that this command is used for debug purpose.
removedObjectList n/a List of instances that have been removed from the monitoring environment.
retryDiscoveryAfterNTimes 5 Specifies the maximum number of retries when the discovery fails.
startupDelay 0 second To specify the number of seconds that HP 3PAR KM for PATROL will wait before starting its discovery. This variable may be useful on fast booting computers where the HP 3PAR embedded SMI-S provider starts after the monitoring solution and triggers an alert
hp3par km patrol