Configuring the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager

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This section provides an overview of the configuration steps required after you install the DS Storage Manager.

The installation of the IBM created two new services:


Several new items will also be available from the Start menu:


Open the "Open DS Storage Manager":


The default username is "admin", and password is "admin".

On the Main Storage Manager page:

Specify a new admin password on the next page.


Under Real-Time Manager > Manage Hardware, select Storage Complexes.

Select a management console (tick the highlighted box).

In the --- Select Action --- list, select Assign Storage Unit

Assign Storage Unit :


Enter a Nickname

Enter the two IP addresses of the DS6000 series controller cards.

Enter the last 7 digits of the serial number listed on the storage unit.

(The serial number can be found under the right hand bezel of the storage unit:


Click Next

Enter Gateway and Subnet Mask information

Click Next and then Finish

The DS6000 Storage Manager will now try to add your unit. This process can take some time. If you have multiple units to add, you can click "Close and View Summary"

Repeat Process for Each DS6000 unit.

Once All Assign Storage Unit processes are finished (see Long Running Task Summary Page)

See Also

Installing the IBM CIM Agent for DS Open API

Installing the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager