Installing the IBM CIM Agent for DS Open API

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Once the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager is installed and configured so that it can see all DS6000/DS8000 units, the CIM Agent needs to be installed. The CIM Agent can be installed on any server that has network access to the server on which the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager has been installed.

Access the IBM Web site to get the complete package for the IBM CIM Agent for DS Open API and proceed with its installation. Finally, follow the configuration instructions provided below to ensure a full interaction with IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL.

Configuration Instructions

Server Communication Configuration

Select which protocols (http / https) and ports to install the CIM Agent on.

These are the protocols and ports that need to be entered in the WBEM Credentials page of the Add a Connection to an IBM DS Storage Manager wizard.


Configuration Parameters

Specify a user name and password. The user name and password specified here are those that need to be entered in the WBEM Credentials page of the Add a Connection to an IBM DS Storage Manager wizard.

Click Add

Fill in the information related to the new device:

Device Type: Type DS

IP Address: Enter the IP Address of the Server on which the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager has been installed (not of the DS array).

Alternative IP: Leave Blank

Username / Password: Enter the username and password needed to access the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager.

If the DS arrays are split across multiple management servers, or if you have both DS6000 & DS8000 management server, repeat the above procedure for each management server.


Checking the installation

Run dscimcli.bat lsdev. This will list all the management servers that the CIM Agent is connected to.

C:\Program Files\IBM\dsagent\bin>dscimcli.bat lsdev
Type IP IP2 Username
===== ======================================= ======================================= =========
DS SERVER-1 - admin 

The dscimcli.bat file can also be used to add new management servers.

See Also

Installing the IBM DS6000/DS8000 Storage Manager

Configuring the IBM DS6000 Storage Manager