Diagnosing Fiber Performance Issues

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Each external data port is represented by a Fiber Port instance. The parameters of this class provide an in-depth picture of the traffic on each fiber link. This will notably help administrators identify which port or which type of traffic (open systems, mainframes, etc.) constitutes a bottleneck or diagnose 'multi-pathing' issues.

There are several groups of parameters for each instance of the SEN_I68_FCPORT class that represent the different types of traffic on the port:

ECDK-prefixed parameters for mainframe traffic

PPRC-prefixed parameters for unit to unit replication traffic

SCSI-prefixed parameters for open system traffic (standard SCSI over fiber channel traffic)

To report on the traffic of each port, it is recommended to start looking at the Received Byte Rate and Sent Byte Rate. If these parameters show a bottleneck, the other parameters will help identify the type of traffic that is causing this performance issue.

Generating a fiber port activity report

1.Click the specific Fiber Port icon > KM Commands >  Fiber Port Activity

2.Select the received/sent bytes parameter


Configuring the Report Settings

3.Select the report range and interval

4.Click Show Report

See also


Fiber Port Activity Report