Modifying Alert Thresholds

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Whenever possible, IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM automatically sets thresholds for parameters. These thresholds are retrieved from the information available from the hardware agents and they are generally accurate.

Generally, there is no need to modify these thresholds but in case IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM cannot obtain them, or if you prefer a more fault-tolerant monitoring, you can modify the thresholds of each parameter through the command menu.

1.Right-click on the Extent Pool instance > KM Commands > Modify Alert Thresholds.


Modify Alert Thresholds — Selecting Mode

3.Select the alert threshold mode. Click Next to continue.

If you have selected the option Let IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL set appropriate alert thresholds, the KM automatically determines and sets the alert thresholds best suited to the parameter/device/system. Click Next to view the threshold values and then Finish to validate the operation.

If you have selected the option Manually customize alert thresholds, a panel is displayed allowing you to define new threshold values for the parameter/device/system. Click Finish to validate the operation.

NoteIf you select the Automatic thresholds mechanism option (see Managing the Threshold Mechanism), your customized thresholds are stored in the PATROL Agent configuration and then can be modified. If the threshold mechanism is set tuning, the threshold will be set under the /___tuning___ tree, while if the threshold mechanism is set tuning Event Management, the thresholds will be set under the /AS tree.

See Also

Thresholds, Alerts and Notifications

Alert Actions