Threshold Mechanism Selection

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Managing thresholds means selecting/modifying the mechanism by which IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL sets thresholds for all parameters of the monitored components. This is done through the menu command: KM Settings > Threshold Mechanism Selection.

By default, IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL automatically sets alert thresholds on the monitored parameters.

The different threshold mechanisms

To set the thresholds, IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL uses one of the following two mechanisms, best suited to the managed system:

Tuning: A standard internal PATROL mechanism, known as the Override parameters in PATROL but called Tuning in IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL. With this mechanism, IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL sets the thresholds of each parameter of each monitored object by setting a specially formatted variable under the /___tuning___ tree in the PATROL Agent configuration.


Event Management: PATROL for Event Management (formerly known as EventSpring)

By default, IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL determines which of the above two mechanisms is best suited to the managed system and uses that. This is the Automatic setting in the Threshold Mechanism Selection wizard.

To see which mode is currently used for the system, or to modify the Automatic mechanism, right-click: the KM icon > KM Commands > KM Settings > Additional Settings > Threshold Mechanism Selection...


Threshold Mechanism Selection

Select one of the following options:

Automatic (default): the KM determines and uses the threshold mechanism best suited to the managed system

Tuning: If selected, the KM will manage its thresholds through the standard the internal PATROL mechanism (Override parameters). Thresholds are stored in the PATROL Agent configuration under the /___tuning___ tree.

Event Management: If this option is selected, the KM will manage its thresholds through the Event Management mechanism. Thresholds are stored in the PATROL Agent configuration under the /AS tree. This option requires that you set up the PATROL for Event Management KM on your PATROL Agent. PATROL for Event Management has to be enabled and preloaded.

NoteIf you use PATROL for Event Management to manage thresholds in PATROL, it is strongly recommended that you use this option in IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL too.

WarningIn order to avoid side effects and unpredictable behavior, if you change the threshold mechanism (from “Event Management” to “Tuning” or the other way around), the KM will automatically recreate the default thresholds settings using the new threshold mechanism. Manually customized thresholds however are not automatically migrated.

No Thresholds: the KM will not set any thresholds on the monitored objects. You are required to set them manually.

See also

Alert Actions

Alert Actions Macros