Reporting Disk Space Consumption

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Making sure that a disk array has enough remaining disk space available is critical for several reasons:

SAN administrators want to make sure to be able to provision disk space for new extent pools when requested, as quickly as possible.

The extent pool itself may need additional disk space for specific features to work properly.

The ConsumedCapacity parameter of the SEN_I68_EXTENTPOOL class represent the actual space usage in the extent pool.

The ConsumedCapacityPercentage parameter is the most critical one, since an extent pool usage nearing 100% indicates that SAN administrators will not be able to create new ranks. By default, no alarm or warning threshold is set on this parameter as the fullness of an extent pool may be a normal situation.

Verifying the available disk space in extent pools

1.Create a PATROL Query in the PATROL Console to show the value of the ConsumedCapacityPercentage parameter of the SEN_I68_EXTENTPOOL class; In the main menu bar, click Action > New Query…


PATROL Query – General Tab

2.Enter the Query name (example: Disk Space Consumption)

3.Enter the Query description (optional)

4.In the Query Result Filter section, select Show Selected Objects and check the Parameters box

5.In the Additional Filtering, select the Application Class level filtering and the Enable Parameter level filtering options

6.Open the Application Class tab

7.In the Pattern Matching section, select Like and type SEN_I68_EXTENTPOOL


PATROL Query – Application Class Tab

8.Open the Parameter tab

9.In the Pattern Matching section, select Like and type ConsumedCapacityPercentage


PATROL Query – Parameter Tab

10.Click OK to display a table with  the amount of the actually consumed capacity in all of the extent pools of your monitored IBM environment.

See also