Uninstalling IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL

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Uninstalling IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL is an automated process managed by a wizard. The wizard goes through the necessary steps to remove the KM and all files associated with it. You are simply prompt for the product's folder location and the product/components to uninstall.

To uninstall IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL

1.Locate the Uninstall folder under the BMC products directory (typically under C:\Program Files\BMC Software, or /opt/bmc):

On Windows systems, launch uninstall.exe

On UNIX, launch uninstall.sh


Un-install Wizard — Welcome Step

2.Specify the BMC Software products folder. See the BMC Software documentation for more information about the BMC Software products folder.


Un-install Wizard — Specifying folder

3.To uninstall the KM, select IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL.


Un-install Wizard — Selecting Products and Components Directory

4.Click Start Uninstall to run the program.


Un-install Wizard — Reviewing Selected Products & components and start uninstalling

5.A page displays the list of products/components processed and the percentage of completion.
Click Next to continue.


Un-install Wizard — Status

6.The last page informs you of the success or failure of the process.
Click Finish to close the wizard.


Un-install Wizard — Uninstall Results


See Also

Installing IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL