Configure Interfaces

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Configuring the KM is done by selecting a menu item available from the main Backup Exec icon on the PATROL Developer’s Console, KM Configure > Interfaces. A dialog box is displayed that allows you to view and, in some cases modify, KM configuration setting. The components of the dialog box are:

The installation directory of the Backup Exec server. This is a read-only attribute.
The location of the Backup Exec command line interface. This program is required by the Backup Exec KM to monitor alert and job activity.
If the command line interface program is found, no further action is required. If the command line interface program is not found, it will need to be installed as per the Symantec Backup Exec for Windows NT/2000 Administrators Guide, Appendix B.
The existence of the Backup Exec Performance Monitor (PerfMon) Object, called ‘BE Engine’. If this object does not exist, certain server and job summary parameters will be disabled.
The ODBC DSN of the Backup Exec catalog. This is a read only attribute.