Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL

Monitor the hardware of all your servers in BMC TrueSight/Helix
  • Unmatched visibility on hardware, virtualization, and storage systems
  • Early detection of hardware failures and performance problems
  • Detailed information about faulty components to facilitate replacement
  • Detailed reports on power consumption, electricity costs, and carbon emissions of devices, applications, and business services

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Monitor the hardware of all your servers in BMC TrueSight/Helix with Hardware Sentry KM

How it works

Hardware Sentry KM leverages several sources (manufacturer-specific hardware agents, standard management technologies, SSH, SNMP, WBEM, WMI, etc.) to gather hardware information within BMC Helix Operations Management.

Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL monitors the hardware of almost any server available on the market. It also provides energy consumption and carbon footprint analysis.

Monitor Your Heterogeneous Infrastructure In A Unique Console

Discover the hardware components of almost all types of devices – physical, virtual, and blade servers, SAN switches, tape libraries, etc. and expose the collected metrics in the Monitoring Studio X Web Console, BMC TrueSight/Helix, or BMC Helix. Benefit from hundreds of connectors to monitor hardware components and detect failures on a broad range of various manufacturers’ equipment. The Hardware Connector Library is regularly updated to add support for new platforms, bring monitoring improvements, and fix issues.

Go Greener With Hardware Sentry KM

Benefit from the Green IT extension, a pure software feature which, combined with Hardware Sentry and its TSPS Component, brings real-time measures and projected trends on electricity consumption and expenses, as well as CO₂ emissions for all your hardware systems into your TrueSight console.

Early Detect Hardware Failures

Get notified and rapidly pinpoint faulty components when a hardware failure is detected. Get detailed information about each monitored component (vendor, model, serial number, part number, FRU number, location in the chassis, etc.) that help you take recovery actions. Generate full hardware health statements and defect reports, including possible consequences and recovery action suggestions.

Configure And Use Hardware Sentry KM via Monitoring Studio X

Quickly configure the monitoring of your local and remote hosts via the interactive Monitoring Studio X Web Interface (free to use). This interactive Web console also facilitates live interaction with the PATROL Agent and provides a user-friendly environment to manage advanced configuration operations.

250+ connectors

Cover all possible hardware instrumentation layers available on the market

Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL relies on over 250 connectors gathered in an embedded library. Each connector contains technical instructions and discovery knowledge to support a specific piece of hardware equipment – physical, virtual, and blade servers, disk arrays, fiber switches, and tape libraries. The Hardware Connector Library is free to use and regularly updated and improved.

You can configure Hardware Sentry KM to scrape thousands of targets in your environment.

Hardware Connector Library Reference Guide

Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL relies on over 250 connectors gathered in an embedded library to cover all possible hardware instrumentation layers available on the market.