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EMC XtremIO Infiniband Port

PATROL Class: SEN_XTRM_INFINIBANDPORT - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
CDM Class: BMC_NetworkPort

Monitors a specific InfiniBand port.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Link Integrity Error Count LinkIntegrityErrorCount errors None

Number of times the infiniBand port had logical link integrity errors.

Type: Statistics

Link Status LinkStatus 0 = Up
1 = Down

if = 1 (Down)

Link status of the infiniband port.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Packets Received With Error PacketsReceivedWithError errors None

Number of packets received on the infiniBand port with errors.

Type: Statistics

Present Present 0 = No
1 = Yes

if = 0 (No)

Indicates whether the device is present or not since the last collect.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Remote Physical Errors RemotePhysicalErrors errors None

Number of remote physical errors the infiniBand port encountered.

Type: Statistics

Status Status 0 = Healthy
1 = Partial Fault
2 = Degraded/Failed
3 = Unknown

if = 1 (Partial Fault)

if ∈ [2 (Degraded/Failed), 3 (Unknown)]

The current status of the infiniband port.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Symbol Error Count SymbolErrorCount errors None

Total number of symbol errors on the infiniBand port.

Type: Statistics

Infoboxes (PATROL Console Only)

Name Description
PATROL ID The PATROL internal identifier.
Bandwidth The maximum port speed in bits per second.
Menu Command Description
Acknowledge Error Count Alerts and Reset Acknowledges the alert and resets the error count to zero.
Pause Monitoring Pauses the monitoring of the selected object.
Resume Monitoring Resumes the monitoring of the selected object.
Remove Removes the selected object from the monitoring environment.
xtremio km patrol