Configuring EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL

[3880f5f6]: ./alertactionsmacros.html "alert actions macros"

To be able to use EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL, you will have to:

  1. Configure a connection to EMC XtremIO Management Server
  2. Specify the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be used by the KM
  3. Specify the alert action(s) to be executed when a failure is detected
  4. (Optional) Customize the discovery interval
  5. (Optional) Customize the polling interval
  6. (Optional) Modify the mechanism by which the KM sets thresholds for all parameters of the monitored components.

Configuring a Connection to EMC XtremIO Management Server

Before performing this first configuration step, it is recommended to test the connection to the EMC XtremIO system by using the troubleshooting tool provided by Sentry Software. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for more information.

To configure the connection to EMC XtremIO Management Server:

  1. Right-click the KM Main Icon > KM Commands > Add a Connection to an EMC XtremIO Management Server.
  2. Define the EMC XtremIO Management Server information:
    • Enter the server host name
    • Enter the IP address or the fully qualified name.

    Adding a Connection to an EMC XtremIO Management Server

  3. Click Next.

  4. Define the Credentials to be used to invoke the REST API:
    • Enter the Port number that will be used for the connection to the EMC XtremIO Management Server (Default: 443).
    • Check the Encrypt data using HTTPS box to turn on the encryption when requesting the REST API.
    • Enter the Login and Password that will be used for the connection to the EMC XtremIO Management Server. A user with a read-only role can be used to connect to the EMC XtremIO Management Server. When the login and password are left blank the default PATROL credentials will automatically be used for the connection.

    Adding a Connection to an EMC XtremIO Management Server

  5. Click Finish to save your settings.

To edit the connection settings, right-click the EMC XtremIO Management Server icon > KM Commands > Edit Connection Settings, make the required changes, and click Finish to save your changes.

Configuring Java Settings

The Java Settings wizard enables you to define which Java Runtime Environment (JRE) you wish EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL to use. You can either use the automatic detection, select a pre-detected java path or enter manually the path leading to the Java executable directory.

By default, the product tries to locate a compatible Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on the system where the PATROL Agent runs, and uses it to run the Java Collection Hub, a core piece of the product that allows performing operations that would not normally be possible on a PATROL Agent (SSH, SSL, SNMPv3, etc.).

EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL requires Java 1.8 or higher. As a result, the product will not start if a compatible Java Runtime Environment is not found.

To access the Java Settings wizard:

  1. Right-click the KM main icon > KM commands > KM Settings > Java Settings…

    Java Settings  Configuration

  2. (Optional) Click the More Information button to display the status of the JRE compatibility check and the JRE path currently used by EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL.

    Java Settings  Configuration

  3. Use the Path to Java Runtime Environment (JRE) field to specify the path of the JRE you want EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL to use:

    • Automatically detected at runtime: The KM will automatically search and use a compatible JRE at the initial discovery that occurs when the PATROL Agent and the KM are started.
    • List of detected JREs: The KM displays a list of the JREs available on your system. Select the JRE you wish to use.
    • Other: Select this option if you wish to manually enter the Java executable directory path in the field provided below.
    • (Optional) If you have selected the Other option, you can select the Do NOT verify the compatibility of the specified JRE option to prevent EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL from verifying the compatibility of the specified JRE. Use this option only if you know that the provided JRE is compatible even if the compatibility check fails.
  4. (Optional) Configure the Advanced Settings:

    Java Settings  Configuration

    • Credentials: Provide the specific credentials that EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL will use to start the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). By default, the java process is launched with the same credentials as the PATROL Agent. You can provide specific settings if the PATROL Agent’s default account does not have sufficient privileges to perform the operations required by the Java Collection Hub.
    • Java Collection Hub Heap Memory: Set the minimum and maximum size (in MB) of the Java Hub Heap Memory according to your environment requirements (Default minimum Java heap size = 128 MB and default maximum Java heap size = 512 MB).
    • Additional Java Collection Hub JVM Options: Enter arbitrary arguments to the java -jar … command line that EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL uses to launch the Java Collection Hub in the Command line options field. This can be particularly useful for debugging (For example, enter Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4711,server=y,suspend=n to launch the KM in debug on a specific port).
    • Click Accept to save your settings. EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL will automatically verify the relevance of the new settings and will warn you if a problem is detected. Changing the settings requires for EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL to stop the Java Collection Hub for about 10 seconds and then to restart the Java Collection Hub. In the meantime, operations that leverage the Java Collection Hub will fail and EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL will report an error in the corresponding Annotation point of the PATROL graph.
  5. Click Finish to save your changes.

Configuring Alert Actions

Alert Actions enable the PATROL administrator to choose specific actions to be executed when a failure is detected. With Alert Actions, it is possible to either:

  • Customize the way a problem notification is performed, or
  • Specify a recovery action to be run when a problem occurs.

EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL can be configured to run one, several, or all types of Alert Actions when an alert is triggered regarding the monitored device.

By default, upon a failure, the KM triggers a PATROL event and annotates the parameter’s graph with a clear report of the problem, giving details about the failure, the possible consequences and the recommended action to solve the problem.

To modify the alert actions triggered upon a failure:

  1. Right-click the KM main icon > KM Commands > KM Settings > Alert Actions…

    Editing Alert Actions — Selecting Parameters

  2. Select the actions to be triggered.

  3. If you selected:
    • Trigger a PATROL event:
      1. Select the type of PATROL event you wish to trigger when a problem occurs: A STD 41 PATROL Event, A Specific PATROL Event, or No Event. These events are generated every time a threshold is exceeded. They contain a full Storage Health Report detailing the fault that has occurred. They can be viewed from: Standard PATROL Consoles (Classic Console, PATROL Central), PATROL Enterprise Manager, BMC Impact Manager, or any other third-party product that interfaces with PATROL.
      2. If needed, modify the event message. You can use [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] that will be replaced at runtime.
      3. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Trigger a PATROL Event

    • Annotate the parameter’s graph:
      1. Modify the string that will be displayed within the annotation point, if required. You can use [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] that will be replaced at runtime.
      2. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Annotate the Parameters Graph

    • Execute an OS command:
      1. Enter a command line to be executed. The command:
        • can be a program utility or a script shell, and can have arguments
        • can contain alert action macros that will be replaced at runtime
        • must be non-interactive (no window, no user input).
      2. Enter the username and password used to run the command.
      3. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Execute an OS Command

    • Execute a PSL command (for PATROL advanced users only):
      1. Enter the PSL statement to be executed by the PATROL Agent. Although only a single line is permitted, it can have several PSL instructions and contain [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] that will be replaced at runtime.
      2. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Execute a PSL Command

    • Send a pop-up to the PATROL Consoles:
      1. Enter the message that will be displayed in the pop-up as well as in the title of the pop-up window. You can use [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] that will be replaced at runtime.
      2. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Send a Pop-up to the PATROL Consoles

    • Write a line to a log file:
      1. Enter the LOG file path.
      2. Enter the content of the line. You can use [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] that will be replaced at runtime.
      3. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Write a Line to a Log File

    • Send a basic SNMP trap:
      1. Enter the IP address or Hostname of the SNMP trap destination.
      2. Enter the SNMP port and community string.
      3. Enter the text that will be sent in the SNMP trap.
      4. Click Next. Upon a failure, EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL will send the trap that is defined in the PATROL MIB (Trap number 11, Enterprise ID:, the text is stored in the OID). Refer to the [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] section to obtain the list of available macros.

    Alert Action: Send a Basic SNMP Trap

    • Send a custom SNMP trap (advanced):
      1. Enter the IP address or Hostname of the SNMP trap destination.
      2. Enter the SNMP port and community string.
      3. Enter all the characteristics of the trap: Enterprise ID, trap number and up to 4 varbinds. You can use [alert actions macros][3880f5f6] that will be replaced at runtime.
      4. Click Next.

    Alert Action: Send a Custom SNMP trap

    • Send an e-mail:
      1. Enter the sender and the recipient email addresses in respectively the From and To fields.
      2. Type the SMTP server name.
      3. Enter the email Subject and type the Body of the message you wish to send.

    Alert Action: Send an E-mail

  4. Click Finish.

Customizing the Discovery Interval

EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL periodically performs discoveries to detect new components in your monitored environment. By default, the KM runs a discovery every hour, but you can customize this interval by right-clicking the EMC XtremIO Management Server icon > KM Commands > Discovery Interval…

Customizing the Discovery Interval

Customizing the Polling Interval

A polling interval defines how often new data is collected. A new collect can be performed from once every second, to once in a day. EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL polls the managed systems to collect performance and statistics data. By default, the polling interval for this “data-collect” is set to 2 minutes.

The more the polling interval is low, the more the collection process is time consuming.

To change the polling interval for the managed system, right-click the EMC XtremIO Management Server icon > KM Commands > Polling Interval…

Customizing the Polling Interval

In addition to the polling interval that is a global setting, i.e. it is applicable to the whole managed system, you can also manually trigger a poll at any time on individual instances to refresh parameter values. Right-click the EMC XtremIO Management Server icon > KM Commands> Refresh Parameters.

Managing Thresholds

Managing thresholds means selecting/modifying the mechanism by which EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL sets thresholds for all parameters of the monitored components. By default, EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL automatically sets alert thresholds on the monitored parameters.

To modify the threshold mechanism:

  1. Right-click the KM main icon > KM Commands > KM Settings > Additional Settings > Threshold Mechanism Selection…

    Threshold Mechanism Selection

    • Tuning: If selected, the KM will manage its thresholds through the standard internal PATROL mechanism (Override parameters). Thresholds are stored in the PATROL Agent configuration under the /___tuning___ tree.
    • Event Management: If this option is selected, the KM will manage its thresholds through the Event Management mechanism. Thresholds are stored in the PATROL Agent configuration under the /AS tree. This option requires that you set up the PATROL for Event Management KM on your PATROL Agent. PATROL for Event Management has to be enabled and preloaded. If you use PATROL for Event Management to manage thresholds in PATROL, it is strongly recommended that you use this option in EMC XtremIO KM for PATROL too.
    • No Thresholds: The KM will not set any threshold on the monitored objects. You are required to set them manually.

    In order to avoid side effects and unpredictable behavior, if you change the threshold mechanism (from “Event Management” to “Tuning” or the other way around), the KM will automatically recreate the default thresholds settings using the new threshold mechanism. Manually customized thresholds however are not automatically migrated.

  2. Click OK.

xtremio km patrol