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EMC XtremIO Local Disk

PATROL Class: SEN_XTRM_LOCALDISK - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
CDM Class: BMC_DiskDrive

Monitors a specific local disk drive.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Bad Sectors Count BadSectorsCount bad sectors None

Number of bad sectors.

Type: Statistics

Enable Status EnableStatus 0 = Enabled
1 = User Disabled
2 = System Disabled
3 = Unknown

if = 1 (User Disabled)

if ∈ [2 (System Disabled), 3 (Unknown)]

Indicates whether the local disk is currently enabled or disabled.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

FRU Lifecycle Status FRULifecycleStatus 0 = Healthy
1 = Initializing
2 = Failed/Disconnected/Uninitialized
3 = Unknown

if = 1 (Initializing)

if ∈ [2 (Failed/Disconnected/Uninitialized), 3 (Unknown)]

Local disk's Field-Replaceable Unit (FRU) status.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Object Severity ObjectSeverity 0 = Clear/Information
1 = Minor
2 = Major/Critical
3 = Unknown

if = 1 (Minor)

if ∈ [2 (Major/Critical), 3 (Unknown)]

Local disk's severity, based on severity level of current alerts.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Present Present 0 = No
1 = Yes

if = 0 (No)

Indicates whether the device is present or not since the last collect.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Status Information StatusInformation None None

Detailed information about the local disk status.

Type: Text

Infoboxes (PATROL Console Only)

Name Description
PATROL ID The PATROL internal identifier.
Model Local disk model.
Type Local disk type.
Serial Number The local disk's serial number.
Purpose Local disk purpose.
Firmware Revision Version of the local disk's firmware.
Slot Number Slot index in which SSD currently resides, or Slot index into which the currently-disconnected SSD was previously inserted.
Menu Command Description
Acknowledge Error Count Alerts and Reset Acknowledges the alert and resets the error count to zero.
Pause Monitoring Pauses the monitoring of the selected object.
Resume Monitoring Resumes the monitoring of the selected object.
Remove Removes the selected object from the monitoring environment.
xtremio km patrol