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EMC XtremIO Volume

PATROL Class: SEN_XTRM_VOLUME - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
CDM Class: BMC_StorageVolume

Monitors a specific storage volume.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Consumed Capacity ConsumedCapacity GB None

Total size of the space actually allocated or reserved.

Type: Statistics

Consumed Capacity Percentage ConsumedCapacityPercentage % None

Percentage of the capacity that is actually consumed in the volume.

Type: Statistics

Hosts Hosts None None

List of the hosts to which the volume is attached.

Type: Text

Host Visible Capacity HostVisibleCapacity GB None

Amount of capacity exposed to the host (i.e. subscribed capacity).

Type: Statistics

Object Severity ObjectSeverity 0 = Clear/Information
1 = Minor
2 = Major/Critical
3 = Unknown

if = 1 (Minor)

if ∈ [2 (Major/Critical), 3 (Unknown)]

Severity level of the current alerts for the monitored device.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Operation Rate OperationRate operations/s None

Total number of operations per second.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Default graph

Read Byte Rate ReadByteRate MB/s None

Count of data read.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Read Operation Rate ReadOperationRate operations/s None

Number of read operations per second.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Read Response Time ReadResponseTime ms

if ≥ 10 ms, 2 times in a row

Response time for the read operations.

Type: Response Time - Spikes expected

Response Time ResponseTime ms

if ≥ 10 ms, 2 times in a row

Average response time for all operations.

Note: A number of 10 (or less) collected I/Os between two data collects being insufficient to accurately report on response time, EMC XtremIO KM may automatically sets this parameter to 0 to avoid triggering irrelevant alarms.

Type: Response Time - Spikes expected - Default graph

Snapshot Count SnapshotCount snapshots None

Number of volumes directly snapshotted from this volume.

Type: Statistics

Status Information StatusInformation None None

Detailed information about the volume status.

Type: Text

Time Since Last Activity TimeSinceLastActivity days None

Number of days since any activity occurred on the volume.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Transfer Byte Rate TransferByteRate MB/s None

Total bytes read and written per second to the volume.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Default graph

Write Byte Rate WriteByteRate MB/s None

Count of data written.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Write Operation Rate WriteOperationRate operations/s None

Number of read operations per second.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Write Response Time WriteResponseTime ms

if ≥ 10 ms, 2 times in a row

Response time for the write operations.

Type: Response Time - Spikes expected

Infoboxes (PATROL Console Only)

Name Description
PATROL ID The PATROL internal identifier.
Creation Time Time when the volume was created.
Consistency Groups Consistency groups to which the volume belongs.
Mapped Indicates if the volume has been mapped to at least one host.
Ancestor Volume Snapshot source
Menu Command Description
Volume Activity... Enables you to generate a report for the volume.
Pause Monitoring Pauses the monitoring of the selected object.
Resume Monitoring Resumes the monitoring of the selected object.
Remove Removes the selected object from the monitoring environment.
xtremio km patrol