  • Standalone with Monitoring Studio

Install the KM

This section outlines the procedure to follow if you are upgrading Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL from a previous version or installing it for the first time. You will also learn how to uninstall the KM.

Upgrading From Previous Versions

No specific upgrade operation is required. If a previous version of Hardware Sentry has been installed, it will be overwritten by the latest version. The installation procedure automatically overwrites and replaces any older version installed.

Installing Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL

To be able to use Hardware Sentry, you will have to:

Preparing for Installation

Meeting the Prerequisites

To ensure that Hardware Connectors will be able to connect to the monitored platforms and gather the required information, refer to the Supported Platforms and Requirements page.

Getting the Installation Packages

The installation packages are designed for use with the BMC Software Installation Utility (formerly known as Thorium). They need to be merged with the latest available version of the BMC Software Installation Utility.

Getting the BMC Utility Package

The latest version of the BMC Software Installation utility can be downloaded from Sentry's Website.

Choose the appropriate package depending on the platform you plan to install Hardware Sentry on:

  • For UNIX/Linux systems: ins_ALL_<version>.tar
  • For Windows systems: ins_WINDOWS_<version>.zip

The packages are valid for all the PATROL components: Agent, Console, Console Server, etc.

Getting the Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL Packages

Two packages are available to download on Sentry's Website. They can be used to install the KM on every PATROL components (Agent, Console, etc.) according to the platform you are using.

  • For Windows systems: hardware-sentry-<version>-thorium.zip
  • For UNIX and Linux systems: hardware-sentry-<version>-thorium.tar
  • For OpenVMS systems: hardware-sentry-<version>-thorium.tar
Getting the JRE Package

Java Runtime Environment version 1.8.00 or higher is required in some cases for the KM to operate properly.

A package with a suitable Java Runtime Environment, designed for use with the BMC Software Installation Utility, is made available to download on Sentry's Website.

You can optionally install this package along with the Hardware Sentry package. The KM will be able to leverage either this instance of the Java Runtime Environment or another installed separately on the system.

Installing Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL

Like most Knowledge Modules for PATROL, you need to install Hardware Sentry on the following components of your PATROL architecture:

  • Every managed system with a PATROL Agent
  • Every PATROL Console (Classic) that will show hardware-related information and alerts
  • The Console Server
  • PATROL Central Web Edition

To install Hardware Sentry:

  1. Extract the setup files:

    • On Windows:

      1. Unzip the BMC Installation Utility: ins_Windows_<version>.zip.
      2. Unzip the hardware-sentry-<version>-thorium.zip package in the same folder.
      3. (Optional) If you need to install the latest Java Runtime Environment program, unzip the adoptopenjre-windows-x64-<version>-thorium.zip package in the same folder. The content of the package merges into a subfolder named bmc_products. Windows may ask for your confirmation to overwrite files and folders. This is normal behavior and you can accept all overwrite confirmation requests.
    • On Linux:

      1. Untar the BMC Installation Utility: tar xvf ins_ALL_<version>.tar
      2. Untar the Hardware Sentry package named: hardware-sentry-<version>-thorium.tar
      3. (Optional) If you need to install the latest Java Runtime Environment program, unzip the adoptopenjre-linux-x64-<version>-thorium.tar package
  2. Browse to the bmc_products folder where the files have been extracted.

  3. Launch the setup.exe program (Windows) or setup.sh script (UNIX).

    On some versions of Windows, you may get this security alert dialog: Windows detected that the BMC Software Installation Utility is listening on the 50001 port. Allow the perl.exe program to listen on this port.

  4. The welcome screen of the installer appears. Click Next to continue.

    Installation Wizard - Welcome

  5. Read the license agreement, click the Accept option and then click Next to continue.

    Installation Wizard - License Agreement

  6. Select Install products on this computer now and click Next to continue.

    Installation Wizard - Selecting Installation Options

  7. Specify the BMC Software Products installation directory. Click Next to continue.

    Installation Wizard - Selecting the Installation Directory

  8. Installing Hardware Sentry does not require any customization. Select Default and click Next to continue.

    Installation Wizard - Selecting an Installation Type

  9. Select one or several of the following options:

    • Managed System to install Hardware Sentry on a PATROL Agent.
    • Console Systems to install Hardware Sentry on a PATROL Classic Console.
    • Common services to install Hardware Sentry on the Console Server or on PATROL Central Web Edition.

    Installation Wizard - Selecting Roles

  10. Click Next to continue.

  11. Install the KM:

    • Check the Hardware Sentry box (it should be selected by default).
    • Select the Java Runtime Environment program if you want to install it along with the KM (this option is only provided when you have previously downloaded the package). Please note that Apache JRE is not supported.
    • Click Next to continue.

    Installation Wizard - Selecting Products and Components

  12. Review the installation parameters and click Start Install to launch the installation procedure.

    Installation Wizard - Reviewing Installation Options

  13. The setup program displays the actions performed and indicates the percentage of completion. Once the installation is complete, click Next to view the installation results.

    Installation Wizard - Installation Status

  14. The wizard displays the installation results. Click View Log to display a detailed log of the installation procedure. Click Next and then Finish to exit the setup program.

    Installation Wizard - Installation Results

  15. Click the Finish button to complete and close the installation wizard.

    Installation Wizard - Completing and closing the Installation Wizard

Preloading Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL

For optimal operation, we recommend configuring the PATROL Agent to preload Hardware Sentry upon start up. The /AgentSetup/preloadedKMs configuration variable is used to preload Hardware Sentry. It can be set anytime with:

  • PATROL Configuration Manager (PCM)
  • wpconfig.exe, which is the configuration file for Windows
  • xpconfig, which is the configuration file for UNIX/Linux

Refer to the BMC Software PATROL documentation for detailed information about these tools.

To preload Hardware Sentry:

  1. Run wpconfig.exe.

  2. Double-click the AgentSetup directory. The list of variables is displayed.

  3. Double-click the preloadedKMs configuration variable.

  4. Double-click the REPLACE line and add MS_HARDWARE_SENTRY1.kml to the list of KMs that are to be loaded by the agent upon start up. Entries must be comma-delimited:


  5. Click OK

  6. Apply the configuration to the agent by clicking the Apply Configuration button in the toolbar.

  7. Resume this procedure to set the preloadedKMs variable of each PATROL Agent where Hardware Sentry has been installed.

Uninstalling Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL

To uninstall Hardware Sentry:

  1. Locate the Uninstall folder under the BMC products directory (typically under C:\Program Files\BMC Software, or /opt/bmc)

  2. Launch the uninstall.exe program (Windows) or the uninstall.sh script (UNIX).

  3. The welcome screen appears. Click Next to continue.

    Wizard — Welcome Step

  4. Specify the BMC Software Products folder.

    Uninstall Wizard — Specifying folder

  5. To uninstall the KM, select Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL.

    Uninstall Wizard — Selecting Products and Components Directory

  6. Click Start Uninstall to run the uninstall program.

    Uninstall Wizard — Reviewing Selected Products & Components and Start Uninstalling

  7. A page displays the list of products/components processed and the percentage of completion. Click Next to continue.

    Uninstall Wizard — Status

  8. A page displaying SUCCESS indicates that Hardware Sentry is now uninstalled.

    Uninstall Wizard — Uninstall Results

No results.