Edit Alert Actions

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To modify the Alert Actions executed by IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL upon a hardware failure, right-click on the KM icon > KM Commands > KM Settings > Alert Actions…

Select the Alert Actions to be executed

By default, IBM DS6000, DS8000 Series KM for PATROL triggers a PATROL event and annotates the parameter that raises the alert, but there are all the actions that can be triggered:


Editing Alert Actions — Selecting Parameters

The available alert actions are:

Trigger a PATROL event

Annotate the parameter's graph

Execute an OS command

Execute a PSL command

Send a pop-up to the PATROL Consoles

Write a line to a log file

Send a basic SNMP trap

Send a custom SNMP trap (advanced)

Send an e-mail

After selecting and defining Alert Actions, you need to validate your changes by clicking the Finish button.


Editing Alert Actions — Validation

See Also

Thresholds, Alerts and Notifications

Alert Actions

Alert Actions Macro Variables