An Inside Look at Dash 2022, the Datadog Annual Event
A 2-day event, sponsored by Sentry Software, bringing all together Datadog customers and partners
Myself and my co-worker Alex, from our development team, travelled together from Ottawa, with our CEO Bertrand and Developer Nassim joining us from Paris. It was so great to get some of the team together after all the travel restrictions of the last few years.
Afterwards, we ventured out to find some good Pizza (not a difficult task in NYC!) and catch up on the last couple of years.
The team met up on Monday night to set up our booth and meet some of the organizing team and other exhibitors.
Day 1
Datadog Dash ran from Tuesday morning through Wednesday evening, and the Dash team managed to pack a lot of events and activities into just two days. I was able to get “Datadog Certified” on the morning of the 18th, while the rest of the team were attending some of the workshops. As you can see, attendance at the workshops was high.
After lunch, the exhibitor hall opened, and Alex and I spent much of our time at the Sentry Software booth, talking with Datadog users about Hardware Sentry, how it works, and how some of its features can be super handy to anyone with on-premises hardware, who need to either monitor that hardware, or track and reduce their carbon emissions.
One key issue that users kept asking about, was meeting their ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria. There is an ever-expanding focus on how organizations operate, and their effects on the environment. Many of the attendees we spoke to have mandates to track their environmental impacts, so there was lots of interest in our unique software-only approach.
Day 2
Wednesday morning was the Keynote, in which Datadog presented several new features for their products, to enthusiastic response.
Bertrand presented Hardware Sentry in the Partner Theatre, and afterwards we were able to speak with some of those who attended the presentation.
The afternoon was spent in the Exhibitor Hall, giving out our Organic cotton T-shirts, meeting more attendees, and getting some great swag from some of the other exhibitors (thanks for the chocolate bars Skykit!).
To close out the event, Datadog hosted a reception in the event hall, complete with jugglers, catered appetizers, and most excitingly for our French team, two foosball tables! Unsurprisingly, Canada was bested by the French in the Foosball world cup.
All in all, Datadog Dash 2022 was a great event, and I hope that Sentry Software will be able to take part in future Dash events. We met so many interesting Datadog users and exhibitors, and learned so much from our conversations, as well as from the sessions and workshops.