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IBM SVC-Storwize Fiber Port

PATROL Class: SEN_SVCSTORWIZE_FCPORT - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
No CDM Class defined.

Monitors a specific FC port.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Bandwidth Utilization BandwidthUtilization % None

Percentage used of the available bandwidth.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

CRC Error Rate CRCErrorRate errors/s None

Number of invalid CRCs since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Invalid Transmission Words InvalidTransmissionWords words

if ≥ 1 words

Number of invalid transmission words since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Invalid Transmission Words Rate InvalidTransmissionWordsRate words/s

if ≥ 1 words/s

Number of invalid transmission words per seconds since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Link Failures LinkFailures failures

if ≥ 1 failures

Number of link failures since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Link Speed LinkSpeed Gb/s None

Negotiated or configured link speed (i.e. available bandwidth).

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Default graph

Loss Of Signal LossOfSignal losses

if ≥ 1 losses

Number of signal losses since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Loss Of Synch LossOfSynch losses

if ≥ 1 losses

Number of synchronization losses.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Present Present 0 = No
1 = Yes

if = 0 (No)

Indicates whether the device is present or not since the last collect.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Protocol Errors ProtocolErrors errors

if ≥ 1 errors

Number of protocol errors.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Protocol Errors Rate ProtocolErrorsRate errors/s

if ≥ 1 errors/s

Number of protocol errors per seond.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Received Byte Rate ReceivedByteRate MB/s None

Amount of bytes received per second from hosts, disk controllers and other nodes through the FC port since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Sent Byte Rate SentByteRate MB/s None

Amount of bytes sent per second from hosts, disk controllers and other nodes through the FC port since the last collect.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Status Status 0 = OK
1 = Degraded
2 = Failure

if = 1 (Degraded)

if = 2 (Failure)

Status of the FC port.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected - Default graph

Status Information StatusInformation None None

Detailed information about the FC port status.

Type: Text

Transfer Byte Rate TransferByteRate MB/s None

Total amount of bytes transferred per second (sent and received).

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Default graph

Zero Buffer Time Percentage ZeroBufferTimePercentage % None

Percentage of time where the port was unable to send data due to lack of buffer credit in the switch.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Infoboxes (PATROL Console Only)

Name Description
PATROL ID The PATROL internal identifier.
Type Port type
WWN WWN of the fiber port
Role Port Role
Bandwidth The maximum port speed in Bits per Second.
Menu Command Description
Fiber Port Activity... Enables you to generate a report on the port activity.
Acknowledge Error Count Alerts and Reset Acknowledges the alert and resets the error count to zero.
Pause Monitoring Pauses the monitoring of the selected object.
Resume Monitoring Resumes the monitoring of the selected object.
Remove Removes the selected object from the monitoring environment.
svc storwize km patrol