Advanced Configuration Variables

This section lists the configuration variables you can use in TrueSight.

Global Configuration Variables

This section lists the configuration variables used by Hardware Sentry globally, i.e that apply to all of the monitored hosts. These configuration variables are stored under /SENTRY/HARDWARE in the PATROL Agent’s configuration and can be managed through the Configuration Variables pane.

These variables should only be set when instructed by Sentry Software Support.

To manage configuration variables:

  1. Log on to the TrueSight console.

  2. Edit your Hardware monitoring policy.

  3. Click the Configuration Variables tab.

  4. Click Add Configuration Variable.

    Managing Configuration Variables

Variables Description
automaticReinitialization If set to “1”, triggers a re-initialization of Hardware Sentry. The discovery checks this variable every minute and deletes it before performing the re-initialization.
awkTimeout Timeout when running AWK commands. Default: 5 minutes.
collectionHubHeapSizeMax Maximum heap size in megabytes allocated to the Java Collection Hub. Default: Not set (assumed 128 MB).
collectionHubHeapSizeMin Minimum heap size in megabytes allocated to Java Collection Hub.Default: Not set (assumed 128 MB).
collectionHubOverrideJavaCommandLine Command line used by Hardware Sentry to launch the Java Collection Hub. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
collectTimeout Maximum time in seconds the collectors wait for the previous collection to complete. When this timeout is reached, it means the previous collection did not complete in a timely fashion. Default: Not set (assumed 300 seconds).
currentVersion Indicates the version level of the configuration. This should always match with the version of Hardware Sentry. Hardware Sentry uses this variable to perform migration operations on the configuration variables. The variable is automatically set during its initialization.
deactivatedDeviceClassList List of monitor types that are deactivated, for which no discovery and no collection will be performed. Use this variable to completely disable the monitoring of a specific type of objects.
deactivatePowerConsumptionEstimation If set to ‘1’, deactivates the power consumption estimation calculated by enclosureColl. If a value is provided by the manufacturer agent, or if a default wattage is set, these values will still be used to populate the Hardware Report/Power Consumption attribute. Default: Unset (power consumption estimation is activated).
debugHostList List of host IDs for which the debug mode is enabled. This list is automatically deleted when the Debug Mode is set to Off (0).
defaultReinitializationOptions If set to ‘1’, the options below will be executed by Hardware Sentry on reinitialization:
  • resetThresholds
  • resetDiscoveryAndPollingIntervals
  • resetAlertAfterNTimes
  • resetAlertActions
  • resetOtherAlertSettings
  • resetDebugMode
  • resetRemovedPausedObjectList
  • resetReport
  • resetLocalhostMonitoring
  • resetSecuritySettings
  • resetPreselectedConnectors
  • resetJavaSettings

Insert a semicolon “;” between the variable and its value (resetThresholds;1).
Separate multiple options with a carriage return. Example:
defaultCommandTimeout Timeout in seconds used when Hardware Sentry executes an OS Command. Default: 30. Unit: seconds
dirCommand OS Command used to list the files in a directory. This command is used to find the installed connectors in the “hdfPath” directory. Default: On Windows: dir /A:-D /B /O:-D /T:W /S %{FOLDERPATH}; On UNIX/Linux: ls -atpR1 %{FOLDERPATH}
disableDebugSNMPWalk When set to “1”, prevents Hardware Sentry from performing an SNMP dump of the monitored systems in debug mode. Default: Not set.
disableForcedDefaultAccount When set to “1”, prevents Hardware Sentry from explicitly using the /AgentSetup/defaultAccount credentials when running external commands.Default: Not set.
disableI2D If set to “1”, no MetaTokenID and no MetaFQDN information will be set in the PATROL namespace for any host.
disableJRECheck When set to “1”, disables the validation tests of the JRE used by Hardware Sentry to run Java code. This can be used to force Hardware Sentry to use a non-Sun or non-Oracle JRE.
disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround When set to “1”, deactivates the workaround for a bug in the PslExecute() PSL function. If Hardware Sentry detects that the version of the PATROL Agent is affected by the PslExecute() bug, it uses an alternate technique to create asynchronous threads with the event_trigger() function and the RemPsl standard event. The disablePslExecuteBugWorkaround variable disables this workaround.
findWbemNamespaceTimeout Number of seconds after which a TrueSight OM - Hardware stops trying to get a server namespace via WBEM. Default value: 1200.
forceClassicConfigMode When set to “1”, Hardware Sentry switches to Classic Mode, which means that it can only be operated from a PATROL Console. All the configured policies will then be ignored. Default: 0.
forceSnmpSerialization When set to ‘1’, forces the serialization of the SNMP requests made by Hardware Sentry. As Hardware Sentry is a multi-threaded program, it can send several SNMP requests at the same time on multi-processor computers. Some poorly written SNMP agents may not support this. Default: Not set.
globalDiscoveryTimeout Maximum time in seconds the main discovery process waits for the previous discovery to complete. When this timeout is reached, it means the previous discovery did not complete in a timely fashion. Default: Not set (assumed 600 seconds).
hdfPath Alternate path where the connector files (*.hdf) are stored. Default: Not set (assumed $PATROL_HOME/lib/MS_HW_hdf)
httpTimeout Timeout when running HTTP queries. Default: 30 seconds.
individualDiscoveriesTimeout Maximum time in seconds the monitor type-specific discovery processes wait for the previous discovery to complete. When this timeout is reached, it means the previous discovery did not complete in a timely fashion. Default: Not set (assumed 300 seconds).
intrusionDetectionAlert Alert settings for enclosure intrusion detection. Possible values are: Never, no alert will ever be triggered even if the enclosure is opened; Always, an alert will always be triggered when the enclosure is opened; Default, an alert will be triggered only if a previously closed enclosure is detected open
ipmiTimeout Time in seconds after which IPMI queries are considered as failed. Default value: Not set (assumed 300 seconds).
ipmitoolPath Indicates the path to the ipmitool utility on Linux and Solaris systems. This can be used if Hardware Sentry cannot find the location of the ipmitool utility automatically. Default: Not set.
javaPassword Password associated to the javaUsername variable. Default: Not set (Hardware Sentry will search for a suitable JRE automatically).
javaPath Path to the folder containing the Java executable used by the Collection Hub.
javaUsername Username used to launch the Java Collection Hub. Default: Not set.
json2CSVTimeout Number of seconds after which the conversion of a JSON request output to CSV will be stopped as the timeout is reached.Default: Not set.
maxConcurrentCollectThreadsPerHost Maximum number of collect threads that can run concurrently for each monitored host. Default: 15.
maxConcurrentDiscoveryThreads Maximum number of concurrent discovery threads. Default: 10.
noMissingDeviceDetectionClasses List of monitor types that will not trigger “missing device” alerts. Typically, the related monitor types are: Hardware Logical Disk, Hardware Voltage, Hardware Temperature, Hardware Enclosure, Hardware LED.
pathToAWK Path to the nawk or awk executable.
pathToAWKUnix Same as pathToAWK, but only applicable to UNIX agents.
pathToAWKWindows Same as pathToAWK, but only applicable to Windows agents.
pausedObjectList Lists the PATROL object path of paused objects.
pemMessages How much internal information should be sent as PATROL events. When set to “all”, all internal Hardware Sentry messages (problems and informational messages); when set to “problems”, only errors and problems; when set to “nothing”, no internal message at all. Please note that this does not affect the reporting of actual hardware problems. Default: nothing.
rediscoverHosts Forces a discovery for each specified host. Hosts must be identified with their PATROL IDs and separated by commas. Default: Not set. Note: This variable deletes the list of current devices (including the missing ones) for the provided hosts, removes the host instances and triggers a discovery. If the automaticReinitialization configuration variable is set to ‘1’, the rediscoverHosts variable will be ignored and removed from the configuration.
remoteCommandMaxConnectionsPerHost Maximum number of SSH sessions opened at once for a single host. Default: Not set (assumed 5).
remoteCommandTimeout Number of seconds after which a remote OS command execution will be killed. Default: Not set (assumed 60 seconds).
removeMonitorsOnConnectorFailure Number of seconds after which Monitors associated with a failed Connector should be deleted. If empty, Monitors will never be deleted (default). If set to ‘0’ Monitors will be deleted as soon as a Connector failure is detected.
snmpRetryIntervals Comma-separated list of intervals in milliseconds controlling the timeout and retry attempts of the SNMP client.
Example: 1000,5000,10000,15000 will instruct Hardware Sentry's SNMP client to retry:
  • after 1 second with no response
  • after 5 secs
  • after 10 secs
  • and finally, after another 15 seconds, a timeout error will be triggered
May be superseded by a host-specific snmpRetryIntervals value.
snmpTimeout Timeout in seconds when performing SNMP queries. Only applicable when forced SNMP serialization has been enabled (/SENTRY/HARDWARE/forceSnmpSerialization). Default: 60 seconds.
snmpWalkMaxItems Maximum number of variables that can be processed by a single SNMP walk operation. Default: Not set.
sshClientJarPath Path to the SSH client JAR file. Default: Not set. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
sshCommandJarPath Path to the SSH command JAR file. Default: Not set. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
startupDelay Allows the administrator to specify the number of seconds that TrueSight OM - Hardware will wait before starting its platform detection and discovery. This variable may be useful on fast booting computers where the PATROL Agent starts before other important instrumentation services, which causes false alerts. Default: Not set (zero).
tableJoinTimeout Timeout in seconds when performing a Table Join. Default: 300.
trimFromDisplayName Lists all characters that will be removed from object display names. Example: :(-_ Default: “,” (comma)
ucsJarPath Path to the Cisco UCS client JAR file. Default: Not set. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
ucsTimeout Timeout in seconds when performing a UCS queries. Default: Not set (assumed 60 seconds).
ucsVbsPath Path to the Cisco UCS Windows client. Default: Not set. This variable should only be set if instructed by Sentry Support.
UNIXConsoleMode When set to “1”, makes Hardware Sentry use short display name for the icons in the PATROL Consoles. This can be useful for UNIX PATROL Classic Consoles but this flags affects every console connected to the agent. Default: Not set.
useExternalAwk Forces the KM to use the AWK command line in separate processes instead of the internal (Java-based) AWK library. Default: 0.
wbemTimeout Timeout in seconds for a WBEM query to complete. Default: Not set (assumed 60 seconds).
  1. Enter the configuration variable you wish to use.

  2. In the Operation list, select the operation that you want to perform on the configuration variable. The supported operations are as follows:

    • REPLACE: Replaces the current value of the variable on the BMC PATROL Agent if the variable already exists. If the variable does not exist, a new variable is created with the specified value.
    • DELVAR: Deletes the variable from the BMC PATROL Agent
    • DELETE: Deletes the value of the variable, and the variable remains empty.
  3. Specify the Value that you want to configure for the variable.

  4. Click OK to validate.

Host-Specific Configuration Variables

The following table contains the list of the additional configuration variables that can be added to a device. Refer to the Configuring Local Hosts Monitoring or Configuring Remote Hosts Monitoring sections for detail). These variables will be applied to a single supervised host or device.

These configuration variables are stored under /SENTRY/HARDWARE/<hostID> in the PATROL Agent’s configuration.

These variables should only be set when instructed by Sentry Software Support.

Variables Description
associatedFQDN Replaces the device MetaFQDN by the provided FQDN to attach the system to a device in TrueSight.
defaultWattage Assumed power consumption in Watts of the monitored server. This value will be used instead of the measured or estimated value. Use this variable to override a Power Consumption attribute value that seems unlikely.
enabledProtocols Comma separated list of enabled protocols. Possible values: OSCOMMAND, HTTP, SNMP, WMI, WBEM, IMPI, UCS. Note: If the WMI protocol is selected for a remote Windows host, the configuration variable will list “OSCOMMAND,WMI”. If the SSH protocol is selected for a remote Linux, UNIX, Storage, system, etc. the configuration variable will list “OSCOMMAND”.
forceWbemNamespace Forces the use of a specific WBEM namespace instead of letting Hardware Sentry decide the suitable namespace. Default: Not set.
forceWmiNamespace Forces the use of a specific WMI namespace instead of letting Hardware Sentry decide the suitable namespace. Default: Not set.
ipmitoolCommand To override the command line used by Hardware Sentry to perform IPMI requests on Linux and Solaris systems. The specified command needs to provide the exact command to be executed with the following macros: %{IPMICOMMAND} (will be replaced with “mc info”, “sdr”, “fru”, etc. at run time), %{USERNAME}, %{PASSWORD}. Example: /usr/bin/ipmitool %{COMMAND} –u %{USERNAME} –p %{PASSWORD}. Default: Not set (Hardware Sentry will find the suitable ipmitool command to run automatically).
networkLinkAlarmType Type of alert for the Link Status attribute of the Hardware Sentry monitor type. Possible values are: OK, WARN, ALARM. Default: Not set (assumed WARN).
networkLinkDuplexAlarmType Type of alert for the Duplex Mode attribute of the Hardware Network monitor type. Possible values are: OK, WARN, ALARM. Default: Not set (assumed WARN).
networkLinkDuplexSetting Indicates when Hardware Sentry needs to trigger an alert on the Duplex Mode attribute of the Hardware Network monitor type: NEVER (will never trigger an alert on Duplex Mode), DEFAULT (will trigger an alert only when a full-duplex running adapter downgrades to half-duplex), ALWAYS (will trigger an alert for all adapters not operating in full-duplex mode). Default: Not set (assumed DEFAULT).
networkLinkSetting Indicates when Hardware Sentry needs to trigger an alert on the Link Status attribute of the Hardware Network monitor type: NEVER (will never trigger an alert on Link Status), DEFAULT (will trigger an alert only when Link Status downgrades from Plugged to Unplugged), ALWAYS (will trigger an alert for all interfaces that are unplugged). Default: Not set (assumed DEFAULT).
networkLinkSpeedAlarmType Type of the alert for the Link Speed attribute of the Hardware Network monitor type. Possible values are: OK, WARN, ALARM. Default: Not set (assumed WARN).
networkLinkSpeedMinimum Minimum accepted Link Speed value when networkLinkSpeedSetting is configured to “ALWAYS”.
networkLinkSpeedSetting Indicates when Hardware Sentry needs to trigger an alert on the Link Speed attribute of the Hardware Network monitor type: NEVER (will never trigger an alert on Link Speed), DEFAULT (will trigger an alert only when Link Speed downgrades from a higher speed to a slower speed), ALWAYS (will trigger an alert for all interfaces that are slower than the value indicated by the networkLinkSpeedMinimum configuration variable). Default: Not set (assumed DEFAULT).
removedObjectList Comma-separated list of devices to exclude from the monitoring process.
Format: <device path>,<device path>,....

You can use regular expressions to remove objects more efficiently.
  • Use DISK to remove physical and logical disk monitoring
  • Use DISK/<connector_name>(ex: DISK/MS_HW_DellStorageManagerhdf) to remove all logical and physical disks created by a specific connector
  • Use MS_HW_PHYSICALDISK to remove all physical disks while retaining the logical disks
  • Use /MS_HW_OTHERDEVICE/.*SYMMETRIX to remove Other Devices manufactured by SYMMETRIX.
snmpRetryIntervals Comma-separated list of intervals in milliseconds controlling the timeout and retry attempts of the SNMP client.
Example: 1000,5000,10000,15000 will instruct Hardware Sentry's SNMP client to retry:
  • after 1 second with no response
  • after 5 secs
  • after 10 secs
  • and finally, after another 15 seconds, a timeout error will be triggered
This setting supersedes a global snmpRetryIntervals value.
wmiUsePatrolDefaultAccount When set to “1”, tells Hardware Sentry to use the security token of the PATROL Agent’s default account to connect to remote systems with WMI when the wmiUsername variable is empty. Default: Not set (assumed 0, where Hardware Sentry does not perform any WMI query if wmiUsername is empty).
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