Reporting > Disk Array Activity...
Enables you to configure and generate a report on a disk array activity.
Reporting > Controllers Activity...
Enables you to configure and generate a report on a controller activity.
Reporting > Fiber Ports Activity...
Enables you to configure and generate a report on a fiber port activity.
Reporting > Storage Pools Activity...
Enables you to configure and generate a report on a storage pool activity.
Reporting > Volumes Activity...
Enables you to configure and generate a report on a volume activity.
Reporting > LUNs Mapping Table...
Enables you to configure and generate a table listing mapped and unmapped LUNs.
Reporting > LUNs Owning Controller Table...
Enables you to configure and generate a table identifying which controllers own which LUN.
Reporting > Per Host Storage Allocation
Enables you to configure and generate a report on the volume of storage allocated to each monitored host.
Reporting > Per LUN Storage Allocation
Enables you to configure and generate a report on the volume of storage allocated to each monitored LUN.
Search WWN/IQN...
Enables the user to find any component based on its complete or partial World Wide Name or IQN.
Pause Monitoring
Pauses the monitoring of the array
Resume Monitoring
Resumes the monitoring of the array after it has been paused
Removes the array from the monitoring environment