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Data Protector Library

PATROL Class: HPO_LIBRARY - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
No CDM Class defined.

Monitors a library.

Library monitoring is disabled in passive multi-node mode.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Media Available Count HPOLibraryMediaAvailableCount count None

Displays the number of media available to use in this library. This includes appendable and scratch media.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed

Media Available Percent HPOLibraryMediaAvailablePercent %

if ≤ 2 %

if ∈ [2 %, 5 %]

Monitors the percentage of available media against the total number of media loaded in this library.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed - Default graph

Media Count HPOLibraryMediaCount count None

Displays the total number of media loaded in this library.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed

Media Poor Count HPOLibraryMediaPoorCount count None

Displays the number of poor media loaded in this library.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Media Poor Percent HPOLibraryMediaPoorPercent % None

Monitors the percentage of poor media against the total number of media loaded in this library.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Media Scratch Count HPOLibraryMediaScratchCount count None

Displays the number of scratch media loaded in this library.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed

Media Scratch Percent HPOLibraryMediaScratchPercent % None

Monitors the percentage of scratch media against the total number of media loaded in this library.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed - Default graph

State HPOLibraryState 0 = Valid
2 = Invalid
-1 = Unknown

Displays whether the control for the library is valid or invalid.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Status HPOLibraryStatus 0 = OK
1 = Suspicious
2 = Failure

if = 1 (Suspicious)

if = 2 (Failure)

Monitors the status of the library. This status is determined by the library status mapping configuration.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Summary HPOLibrarySummary N/A None

Summarizes the library information as reported in the commands executed by the data collector.

Value set by HPOLibraryCollector.

Type: Text

No results.