- Getting Started
System Requirements
HP Data Protector KM for PATROL supports the following operating systems:
Operating System | Version |
HP-UX | 11 and higher |
Linux | All distributions |
Oracle Solaris | 8 and higher |
Windows | 2008 and higher |
Software Requirements
HP Data Protector KM for PATROL supports:
Software | Version |
HP Data Protector | 4 and higher |
BMC PATROL Agent | Any version |
BMC PATROL Console | Any version |
BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management | 9.5 and higher |
BMC TrueSight Operations Management | 10 and higher |
BMC Helix Operations Management | 20 and higher |
Java | 1.8 and higher |
When running the KM on… | Fix |
Linux managed nodes | Korn shell binary (/bin/ksh ). Alternatively a soft link from /bin/ksh to /bin/bash will be needed. |
BMC PATROL Agent 11.0.00 on Windows | BMC patch Patch 1 for BMC PATROL Agent 11.0.00 must be installed. |
For the Access Control List (ACL)
The KM stores all configuration information in the PATROL Agent configuration database (pconfig), under the /HPO/<node-id>
and /Runtime/HPO/<node-id>
paths. PATROL Agent user (default: patrol) should be able to read and write to these pconfig variables any time. If Access Control List (ACL) is used to control which users are authorized to connect to a PATROL Agent, please make sure that the mode for PATROL Agent user includes “C” in the PATROL Agent variable /AgentSetup/accessControlList
. Please refer to the PATROL Agent Reference Manual for more details.
To support bash shell platforms when ksh is not installed
To collect Data Protector stats when ksh was not installed on UNIX/Linux servers, you need to create a soft link for /bin/ksh
to /bin/bash
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/ksh
Security Requirements
A user account with administrative privileges must be configured in BMC PATROL or BMC TrueSight Operations Management to read and execute HP Data Protector application programs and access file systems. Depending on the operating systems used, several options will be available.
The following user accounts can be used:
On UNIX/Linux platforms:
- a root user
- a non-root user, such as patrol, that has Sudo privileges on Data Protector to execute application programs and access file systems
- a non-root account, such as patrol, configured in Data Protector application to administer the Data Protector application.
On Windows platforms:
- an administrator user
- a non-administrator account, such as patrol, configured in Data Protector application to administer the Data Protector application. Refer to the Data Protector System Administrator’s Guide for details on how to set up this type of account.
The user login details are configured in the KM. The password is encrypted and stored in the PATROL Agent.
This user needs read & execute permission to executable and library files under the paths listed below. The HP Data Protector installation path INSTALL_PATH, referenced in the tables below is usually:
(on UNIX/Linux)C:\Program Files\OmniBack
(on Microsoft Windows)
Here are the executable and library paths accessed by the KM User:
UNIX/Linux | Microsoft Windows |
If the KM is enabled to failover in a clustered environment, the login user needs execute permissions to the following cluster commands:
(in Veritas Cluster Server)vxdctl
(in Veritas Cluster File System)/usr/cluster/bin/clrg
(in Oracle Solaris Cluster)cluster
(in Microsoft Cluster)
The HP Data Protector KM includes some scripts which should be executable by the PATROL Agent user and the HP Data Protector KM user. These scripts are stored under KM_HOME
path, normally <PATROL_HOME>/lib/HPO
The HP Data Protector data path DATA_PATH, referenced in the tables below is usually:
(on UNIX/Linux)C:\ProgramData\OmniBack
(on Microsoft Windows)
Here are the paths accessed by the PATROL Agent User when monitored locally and KM User when monitored remotely:
UNIX/Linux | Microsoft Windows |
DATA_PATH/server/db80 |
DATA_PATH\server\db80 |
DATA_PATH/server/log |
DATA_PATH\log\server |
On Windows platforms the HP Data Protector installation is identified by checking the Microsoft Windows Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\OpenView\OmniBackII\
The configured login user should have sufficient privileges to run regedit
command on the managed node.
Sudo User Settings
If a non-root user with sudo privileges is preferred as the KM user, configure the account as a sudoer through the visudo utility using the entry below. The KM accepts any non-root user with the following or equivalent sudo configuration in the sudoers file.
User_Alias HPOKMUSERS = <hpo-km-user>
Defaults:HPOKMUSERS !lecture,!authenticate,!requiretty,env_keep+="PATH INSTALL_PATH KM_HOME KM_TEMP",env_reset
HPOKMUSERS ALL=/bin/cat,/usr/bin/du,/opt/omni/bin/*,/opt/omni/sbin/*
<hpo-km-user> must be replaced with username used by the KM.
If there is a secure_path defined in the sudoers file, all binary paths listed in the sudoers file above should be listed:
Defaults secure_path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/omni/bin:/opt/omni/sbin
This KM user should be able to execute required Data Protector and Operating System commands on the command line with just the sudo
prefix to the command, without any sudo authentication. For example, the following commands show how to test the sudo settings:
[patrol@rt-netbck-vtl ~]$ export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/omni/bin:/opt/omni/sbin
[patrol@rt-netbck-vtl ~]$ sudo omnirpt -report list_sessions -timeframe 48 48 -tab
# Session Type Specification Status Mode Start Time Start Time_t End Time End Time_t Queuing Duration GB Written # Media # Errors # Warnings # Pending DA # Running DA # Failed DA # Completed DA # Objects # Files Success Session Owner Session ID
Backup Spec 1 Failed incr1 8/31/2022 12:00:32 PM 1661940032 8/31/2022 12:01:15 PM 1661940075 0:00 0:00 0.00 1 4 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0% RT-SPECTRUM-WIN\ADMINISTRATOR@rt-spectrum-win.internal.sentrysoftware.net 2022/08/31-3
Here the KM user patrol is able to run the Data Protector command omnirpt using sudo without a password prompt and keep the user's PATH settings inside the sudo.
This PSL code can be used to list all commands used by HP Data Protector KM once the KM is installed. The commands that require sudo privileges are listed separately, if you prefer to restrict the sudoers entry to only those commands.
Listing the Commands
To list all OS and Data Protector commands used by the HP Data Protector KM, execute the following PSL code from the PATROL Console, using PSL Task menu, after installing and loading the KM.
foreach var (grep("^/Runtime/HPO/.*CommandControls/",pconfig("LIST")))
opt=ntharg(grep("Option",ctl),"2-"," =");
nsa=ntharg(grep("NoSudoAttempt",ctl),"2-"," =");
sua=ntharg(grep("SingleUserAttempt",ctl),"2-"," =");
typ=ntharg(grep("CommandType",ctl),"2-"," =");
if(osp=="") { osp=trim(nthargf(grep("OSPlatform",ctl),"2-","=","="), " "); }
host=(fields == 5)? ntharg(var,"3","/") : "localhost";
if((osp!="WINDOWS") && sudoers) { printf("\n\nCommands used with sudo:\n%s",sort(sudoers)); }
printf("\n\nOn %s:\n\n", host);
i=0; sudoers=""; osp="";
if((typ == "")||(typ == "OS"))
if(opt == "NoLogin") { met = "(run as patrol user)"; }
elsif(nsa == "YES") { met = "(run as configured user without sudo)"; }
elsif(sua == "YES") { met = "(run as supplied user - used in menu)"; }
if(s) { scmd=replace(substr(scmd,s,length(scmd)),"%sudo",""); }
sudoers=union(sudoers,ntharg(ntharg(scmd,1,">|"),"1-"," "," "));
printf("(%2d) %-30s %-40s: %s\n",i++,ntharg(var,fields,"/"),met,cmd);
if((osp!="WINDOWS") && sudoers) { printf("\n\nCommands used with sudo:\n%s",sort(sudoers)); }
Disk Space Requirements
HP Data Protector KM requires approximately:
- 2.5 MBytes of available disk space on each monitored PATROL Agent system
- 3.5 MBytes of available disk space on each PATROL Console system
- 600 KBytes of available disk space on each PATROL Central Console Server system
- 1.4 MBytes of available disk space on each PATROL Central Web Server system
It is installed under the PATROL installation path.
When monitoring a standard installation of HP Data Protector, the PATROL Agent will generate approximately 250 KBytes of history data per day. An enterprise installation of HP Data Protector on a master server with multiple media servers, clients, libraries, and standalone devices will generate more history data (as per other KMs used by the PATROL Agent). These history data files are recycled by PATROL depending on the PATROL Agent history retention period.
During execution, the KM creates and maintains temporary files under KM_TEMP
(default: <PATROL_HOME>/lib/HPO/tmp
) and KM_DEBUG
(default: <PATROL_HOME>/log
) paths, where <PATROL_HOME>
path is usually /opt/bmc/Patrol3/
(on UNIX/Linux) or C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Patrol3\
(on Microsoft Windows). Please make sure you have sufficient space under these paths. These folders should have read, write and execute permissions for the PATROL Agent user.
Remote Monitoring Requirements
Remote monitoring is required for all servers or appliances on which no PATROL Agent can be installed. This feature is also interesting if you lack resources or time to deploy a PATROL Agent and HP Data Protector KM on several servers since it allows to monitor multiple hosts from one agent.
Remote monitoring is not possible from a UNIX/Linux PATROL Agent system to a Windows-based Data Protector server.
Please refer to the sections below to find out the remote monitoring requirements:
Java Runtime Environment
HP Data Protector KM requires Java 1.8 or higher and a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be installed on the same system that runs the PATROL Agent.
The KM will automatically detect the JRE path if it has been installed in the default location or under the BMC PATROL Agent installation path. If it has been installed in a different location, you will have to set JAVA_HOME
for the PATROL Agent default account before starting the PATROL Agent.
You can download the Java Runtime Environment along with the KM on Sentry Software Web site.
SSH/WMI Connection
An SSH (UNIX/Linux platforms) or a WMI (Windows platforms) connection is required to monitor remote Data Protector servers and appliances. When using an SSH connection, the SSH host key authentication, which is enabled by default on most Data Protector servers and appliances, must be disabled on the remote host.
To disable the SSH host key authentication:
- Open the global SSH configuration file (
) stored in the/etc/ssh/
directory on the remote host - Add the line
StrictHostKeyChecking no
- Save the file.