Operate HP Data Protector KM
This section describes the most common operations that can be performed with HP Data Protector KM.
Acknowledging Alerts
By default, alerts are acknowledged automatically. If you modified the alert acknowledgement default settings, you will have to manually acknowledge alerts.
Manually Acknowledging Session Alerts
For a particular session instance, if the HPOSessionStatus has a value of 1=Suspicious or 2=Failure, it will be set to alert with a status of Warning or Alarm respectively. These alerts can be acknowledged using the menu Acknowledgement > Alert… from the relevant session instance.
To acknowledge session alerts:
In the Console, right-click the Sessions instance > KM Commands > Acknowledgement
- Warnings… to view and acknowledge alerts for all sessions with a status of Warning
- Alarms… to view and acknowledge alerts for all sessions with a status of Alarm
- All… to view and acknowledge all session alerts (Warnings and Alarms) at once.
Manually Acknowledging Log Alerts
When an error is detected in a monitored log file, it will either appear in HPOLogAlarmText or HPOLogWarningText and will respectively trigger an Alarm or a Warning on HPOLogAlarmCount or HPOLogWarningCount.
To acknowledge log alerts:
In the Console, right-click the Log instance > KM Commands > Acknowledgement
- Warnings… to view, select, and individually acknowledge errors in the HPOLogWarningText parameter
- Alarms… to view, select, and individually acknowledge errors in the HPOLogAlarmText parameter
- All… to acknowledge all alerts (Warnings and Alarms) at once without viewing.
Refreshing Parameters
This section describes how to manually refresh parameters without waiting for an automatic polling cycle.
Forcing All Discoveries
To force all discoveries, right-click the Server instance and select:
- Refresh Process Cache to refresh the PATROL Agent process cache
- Force Discovery.
The discovery will then be forced on all the KMs loaded on the PATROL Agent and on all the KM applications classes.
Forcing All Data Collectors
To force all data collectors, right-click the Server instance and select:
- Refresh Process Cache to refresh the PATROL Agent process cache
- Refresh parameters to force all data collectors at the same time.
The HP Data Protector KM data collectors and all the data collectors defined under the application classes loaded on the PATROL Agent will then be refreshed.
Forcing Selected Data Collectors
This option is only available from a PATROL Developer Console.
Right-click the Server instance and select Refresh Process Cache to refresh the PATROL Agent process cache
Force a data collector to execute immediately as follows:
With the PATROL Console for Windows
- Right-click the Server instance and choose Parameters without Icons…
- Select the required data collector
- Click Update.
With the PATROL Console for UNIX
- Right-click the Server instance and choose Customize > Parameters…
- Select the required data collector
- Click Options > Update.
With the PATROL Central Operator Console
- Right-click the Server instance and choose Properties
- Click the Parameter List tab
- Select the required data collector
- Click Update.
Forcing Full Data Collection for Sessions
By default, the HPOSessionCollector only searches for new sessions started since the last collection cycle. However, it can be forced to search for all sessions within the monitored time period during the next collection cycle.
To force full data collection for sessions, right-click the Sessions instance and select Force Full Collection….
Forcing the Classic Mode
HP Data Protector KM for PATROL can either be configured from a BMC PATROL Console (Classic Mode) or BMC Helix/TrueSight Operations Management. When the KM is installed on a PATROL Agent, which is managed by Central Monitoring Administration (CMA), all the KM configuration menus are disabled in the PATROL Console. To configure HP Data Protector KM from a PATROL Console, you need to force the KM to run in Classic Mode.
This will disconnect HP Data Protector KM from receiving configuration from Central Monitoring Administration. Any monitoring settings that was configured in CMA and used by the PATROL Agent will be removed and replaced by the configuration made from the PATROL Console. However, this will not delete the policies created in CMA from the configuration.
Warning: Any configuration for HP Data Protector KM received from Central Monitoring Administration will be ignored.
To force the KM to operate in Classic mode:
In the PATROL Console, right-click the HP Data Protector icon > KM commands > Configuration > Force Classic Configuration Mode…
Check the Force the KM to run in Classic mode box and click OK.
HP Data Protector KM for PATROL starts running in Classic Mode, enabling you to use the KM Configuration menus.
To configure the KM in Helix/TrueSight OM, repeat the above procedure and uncheck Force the KM to run in Classic mode. All configurations made through the PATROL Console will then be ignored.
Reloading Commands
All new commands are reloaded automatically but some situations may require a manual command reload. To do so, in the Console, right-click the Server instance > KM Commands > Reload Commands…