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Data Protector Media Pool

PATROL Class: HPO_POOL - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
No CDM Class defined.

Monitors a media pool.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Media Count HPOMediaCount count None

Displays the total number of media in this media pool.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed

Media Fair Count HPOMediaFairCount count None

Displays the number of fair media in this media pool. Fair is a possible status for a tape media.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Media Fair Percent HPOMediaFairPercent %

if ∈ [95 %, 98 %]

if ≥ 98 %

Monitors the percentage of fair media against the total number of media in this media pool.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Media Poor Count HPOMediaPoorCount count None

Displays the number of poor media in this media pool. Poor is a possible status for a tape media.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Media Poor Percent HPOMediaPoorPercent %

if ∈ [95 %, 98 %]

if ≥ 98 %

Monitors the percentage of poor media against the total number of media in this media pool.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Space Available HPOPoolSpaceAvailable GB None

Monitors the available media space for the backup data to use amongst the assigned media in this media pool.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected - Default graph

Space Growth Rate HPOPoolSpaceGrowthRate GB/s None

Displays the growth rate of the total media space used by the backup data in this media pool.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics

Space Used HPOPoolSpaceUsed GB None

Displays the total media space occupied by the backup data in this media pool.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed - Default graph

Space Used Percent HPOPoolSpaceUsedPercent %

if ∈ [95 %, 98 %]

if ≥ 98 %

Monitors the percentage of total occupied media space against the total media capacity of this media pool (not including any scratch media).

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected - Baselining allowed - Default graph

Summary HPOPoolSummary N/A None

Summarizes the media pool information as reported in the commands executed by the data collector.

Value set by HPOPoolCollector.

Type: Text

No results.