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Storage Filesystem

PATROL Class: SKM_FILESYSTEM - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
CDM Class: BMC_FileSystem

Monitors a specific storage file system.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Capacity Capacity GB None

Amount of space on the disk that is assigned to the Filesystem.

Type: Statistics

Consumed Capacity ConsumedCapacity GB None

Number of bytes actually consumed in the filesystem.

Type: Statistics

Consumed Capacity Percentage ConsumedCapacityPercentage % None

Percentage of the capacity that is actually consumed in the filesystem.

Type: Statistics

Operation Rate OperationRate operations/s None

Read and write operations per second.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Read Operation Rate ReadOperationRate operations/s None

Number of read operations per second.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Read Response Time ReadResponseTime ms

if ≥ 20 ms

Average response time for read operations.

Type: Response Time - Spikes expected

Response Time ResponseTime ms

if ≥ 20 ms

Average response time for read and written operations.

Type: Response Time - Spikes expected - Default graph

Status Status 0 = OK
1 = Degraded
2 = Failed

if = 1 (Degraded)

if = 2 (Failed)

Status of the filesystem.

Type: Availability - Spikes expected

Status Information StatusInformation None None

Detailed information about the filesystem status.

Type: Text

Time Since Last Activity TimeSinceLastActivity days None

Number of days since any activity occurred on the filesystem.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Write Operation Rate WriteOperationRate operations/s None

Number of write operations per second.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

Write Response Time WriteResponseTime ms

if ≥ 20 ms

Average response time for written operations.

Type: Response Time - Spikes expected

No results.