Time/Date Format Symbols for Macros

This table lists all of the time formats available for the %{TIME:…} macros.

Format Description
%% This symbol allows you to use a percent sign (%) in the format of a date string.
%a Locale's abbreviated name of the day of week.
%A Locale's full name of the day of week.
%b Locale's abbreviated name of the month.
%B Locale's full name of the month.
%c Locale's appropriate date and time representation.
%C Data and time as %c.
%d Day of month [1,31]; single digits are preceded by 0.
%D Date as %m/%d/%y.
%e Day of month [1,31]; single digits are preceded by a space.
%h Locale's abbreviated name of the month.
%H Hour (24-hour clock) [0,23]; single digits are preceded by 0.
%I Hour (12-hour clock) [1,12]; single digits are preceded by 0.
%j Day of year [1,366]; single digits are preceded by 0.
%k Hour (24-hour clock) [0,23]; single digits are preceded by a space.
%l Hour (12-hour clock) [1,12]; single digits are preceded by a space.
%m Month as a decimal number [1,12]; single digits are preceded by 0.
%M Minute [0,59]; leading zero is permitted but not required.
%n Insert a new line.
%p Locale's equivalent of either a.m. or p.m.
%r Appropriate time representation in 12-hour clock format with %p.
%R Time as %H:%M.
%S Seconds [0,61].
%t Insert a tab.
%T Time as %H:%M:%S.
%u Day of week as a decimal number [1,7], with 1 representing Monday.
%U Week of the year as a decimal number [0,53], with Sunday as the first day of week 1.
%V Week of the year as a decimal number [01,53], with Monday as the first day of the week. If the week containing 1 January has four or more days in the new year, then it is considered week 1; otherwise, it is week 53 of the previous year, and the next week, is, week 1.
%w Day of week as a decimal number [0,6], with 0 representing Sunday.
%W Week of the year as a decimal number [0,53], with Monday as the first day of week 1.
%x Locale's appropriate date representation.
%X Locale's appropriate time representation.
%y Year within century [0,99].
%Y Year, including the century.
%Z Abbreviated or full name of time zone, or no bytes if no information of the time zone exists.
%EC Locale's alternative appropriate date and time representation.
%EC Name of the base year (period) in the locale's alternative representation.
%Ex Locale's alternative date representation.
%EX Locale's alternative time representation.
%EC Offset from %EC (year only) in the locale's alternative representation.
%EC Alternative representation of the year in full.
%OD Day of the month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OE Same as %OD.
%OH Hour (24-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OI Hour (12-hour clock) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%Om Month using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OM Minutes using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OS Seconds using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OD Week of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%Ow Day of week (Sunday=0) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OW Week of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
%OD Year (offset from %C) in the locale's alternative representation and using the locale's alternative numeric symbols.
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