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Storage Analyzer

PATROL Class: SKM_MAIN - Monitor Type: MONITOR - Monitor Category: System
CDM Class: BMC_ComputerSystem -- Instances of this monitor will be represented as devices in TrueSight Operations Management

Monitors storage systems performance metrics.

Attributes (Parameters)

Name PATROL Name Units Default Thresholds Description
Collection Error Count CollectionErrorCount errors

if ≥ 1 errors

Number of errors that prevent the KM from operating properly. This parameter is cumulative, new errors increase the value of the parameter.

The Collection Error Count value will be reset after a given time if no new errors are found.

The default timeout is 135 minutes but can be configured with the following variable: /SENTRY/STORAGE/collectionErrorCountAutoAcknowledgeTime

Type: Collection Status - Spikes expected - Default graph

License Count LicenseCount licenses None

Overall KM license usage on this PATROL Agent.

Type: Statistics - Spikes expected

No results.